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Benefit Codes Table

Use the Benefit Codes page to add, update, delete, and print benefit records. You also can copy a benefit from Human Resources and add it to the Benefit Codes table in Employee Benefits. These actions have no effect on records in the Human Resources System.

Menu Path:  Benefits > Reference Tables > Benefits > Benefit Codes

Setting Up the Benefit Codes Table

To run the Employee Benefits System, you must first set up the Benefit Codes table. The table should include all of the benefit records you want to use, including those that exist in Human Resources and any new records that need to be added.

With the Benefit Codes option, you can create records in two ways:

  • By entering a unique code to identify a new record.
  • By entering a code that identifies a record in Human Resources' Deduction table that contains an employerpaid benefit. In this case, the system copies the record's benefits information to the table in Employee Benefits.

Following are the procedures for determining whether your Benefit Codes table in Employee Benefits contains benefits records that are stored in the Deduction table in Human Resources. A procedure is also included for copying benefits information from Human Resources to create records in the Benefits Codes table.

For the procedures for adding, listing, updating, deleting, and printing table records, refer to Benefit Tables Procedures.

Running a report to identify benefits in Human Resources

  1. Select Human Resources > Reference Tables > Payroll > Deductions to display the Deduction Table page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, click Advanced to display the Advanced Search window.

  3. In the Advanced Search Criteria section's fields, enter the following:




    Deduction Table


    Benefit Method


    Not equals



  4. Click OK to display all records that contain benefits and exclude records that only pertain to employee-paid deductions.

  5. Click Print.

  6. Click OK to accept the Summary default.

  7. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is deductss.rpt.

Running the Benefit Table report to identify existing records in the Benefit Codes table

  1. Select Benefits > Reference Tables > Benefits > Benefit Codes to display the Benefit Codes page.

  2. Click Find to list all records in the table.

  3. Click Print.

  4. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is prtben.rpt.

    Now compare the two reports code by code to determine whether you need to add or delete a record in Employee Benefits' Benefit Codes table.

    • If a record does not exist in either system, you can add the record in Employee Benefits.

    • If a record exists in Human Resources but not Employee Benefits, you can copy the record to the Benefit Codes table. For details, refer to the procedure below.

    • If a record exists in the Benefit Codes table and you do not intend to use it, you can delete the record.

Copying a benefit record to Employee Benefits

  1. Select Benefits > Reference Tables > Benefits > Benefit Codes to display the Benefit Codes page.

  2. Click Add New to access the page's Detail section.

  3. Enter a code.

    • If the code exists in Human Resources but not Employee Benefits, the benefit record's description displays in the Description field.

    • If the code already exists in Employee Benefits, the following message displays: Record already on file.

    • If the code does not exist in either system, you are free to add the record.

  4. If needed, you may change the description copied from Human Resources.

  5. Complete the remaining fields as needed.

  6. Click OK to save the record.




Benefit Code

Code identifying a benefit record in the Employee Benefits System. Character/4

  • To copy a benefit from Human Resources’ Deduction table, enter its code. However, make sure the record is for a benefit or combination deduction/benefit and not solely for an employee deduction. Copying a benefit enables Employee Benefits to access its cost information in Human Resources.
  • To add a new benefit to the Benefit Codes table, enter a code that is not in use in either this table or Human Resources’ Deduction table.


Description of the benefit. If the benefit record is copied from Human Resources, its description defaults to this field. You may change the description if needed. Character/35

Beneficiary Required

Checkbox indicating whether beneficiary information should be required when assigning the benefit to employees.

  • Select the box if beneficiary information is required for this benefit. When the box is selected, the Beneficiary page displays when adding or changing a benefit record in the Add/Update Employee Information options.
  • Leave the box blank if a beneficiary is not required.

Group Number

Group number assigned to a benefit that is administered under a group plan, as with life insurance and health care coverage. You may leave the field blank if a group number does not apply. Character/15

Policy Number

Policy number associated with a benefit such as life insurance or health care coverage. For other types of benefits, enter the ID number assigned to your organization by the provider, or leave the field blank. Character/15

Cobra Cost

Amount charged to an employee or dependent per billing through the COBRA program. If the benefit is not associated with COBRA, you may accept the 0.00 default. Decimal/12,2

The value in this field defaults to the Current Amount Due field in the COBRA Information Page.


An employer is entitled to an administrative fee for collecting COBRA payments, which can be added to the cost billed. For more details on this fee, refer to your COBRA guidelines.

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