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Benefit Record Updates

Use this option to load deduction information from Human Resources' Deduction table into the Employee Benefits System's tables. This is an easy way to move new benefit information, dependent information, or stop dates into Benefits. You can chose whether to run this option for active, inactive, or all deductions, as well as selecting a hire date range for included employees. You can also run the process for employees, employees and dependents, or solely dependents.

The Benefit Update option can be run as many times as you wish without overwriting existing data. The process will only add new information not already in the Benefits system.

If you chose to run this option with selection criteria that includes dependents, a report will be produced listing the employee, dependent, and the benefit being updated. You must review this report and confirm the changes noted before the information will be updated.

Menu Path:  Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Benefit Record Updates

Running the Benefits Record Updates option

  1. Select Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Benefit Record Updates to display the Benefit Record Updates Administration page.

  2. In the Benefit Record Updates Administration section, select one of the following radio buttons:
    Active Employee Deductions
    Inactive Employee Deductions
    All Employee Deductions

  3. Optionally, enter a date range in the Hire Date Start Range and Hire Date End Range.
    These fields are not required. If you enter a start date but no end date, the option will run from the start date to the current date. If you enter an end date but no start date, the option will run from the beginning of your records until the entered end date.

  4. In the Benefit Record Updates Dependent Administration section, select one of the following radio buttons:
    Employees Only
    Employees and Dependents
    Dependents Only
    Dependents Stop Date Only

  5. Click OK.

    • If you selected the Employees Only radio button in Step 4, the process runs. Click OK in the processing window when the update is complete.

    • If you selected one of the options that includes dependents proceed to Step 6.

  6. In the Print window that displays, enter your setting for generating the Load Dependent Benefits report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is dependent_benefit.rpt.

  7. A dialog displays asking if the dependent information is correct. Review the report, and then click Yes to run the update or No to cancel it.


Benefit Record Updates Administration Section



Active Employee Deductions

Radio button indicating the option will update all active employee deductions.

Inactive Employee Deductions

Radio button indicating the option will update all inactive employee deductions.

All Employee Deductions

Radio button indicating the option will update all employee deductions, both active and inactive.

Hire Date Start Range

First hire date to include in the update.

Hire Date End Range

Last hire date to include in the update.

Benefit Record Updates Dependent Administration Section



Employees Only

Radio button indicating the option will update employee information and will not include dependents.

Both Employees and Dependents

Radio button indicating the option will update information for employees and dependents.

Dependents Only

Radio button indicating the option will update dependent information only.

Dependents Stop Date Only

Radio button indicating the option will update only the stop date on deductions for dependents.

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