Calendar Table
Use this page to create calendars for your employees. You can assign a calendar to one or more job classes in the Job Class table. The calendar is assigned to employees when you specify their job classes.
Data from calendars is used in taking attendance, calculating pay rates for salaried employees, and determining docking rates. Calendars are also used for other purposes related to pay and leave.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Reference Tables. From the Payroll menu, select Calendars.
Set Up Calendar Records
Calendars define holidays, non-work weekdays, weekend workdays, and start and end dates. Holidays and non-work weekdays can be designated as paid or non-paid. The pay start and end dates set the range of dates an employee can be paid. The system calculates the days worked based on the dates in the calendar.
You can set up an unlimited number of calendars for different job classes. If you need to account for holidays but do not require multiple calendars, you can create a single calendar that designates holidays and use this for all classes.
You cannot delete Calendar records assigned to a Job Class or Pay Rate record.
Use the Calendar Button
All date fields, including the Calendars page, have a Calendar button for displaying a pop-up window where you can select a day, month, and year. Use the left and right arrows to change the default month and year if needed.
You can pick a specific date by clicking it in the monthly calendar below the month and year. To close the calendar and insert the date in the date field, click a blank area of the page. The full date will display in the field in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Calendar Table Report Contents
The Calendar Table report prints one calendar per page. Each calendar shows a full year beginning with the month containing the record's Start Date.
Beneath dates defined as workdays, a count displays where the date lies regarding the number of workdays defined for the Calendar record. For example, if 10/09/2017 is the 202nd workday in a Calendar record, then 202 displays beneath this date when you include the record in the Calendar Table report.
If a date is a holiday (H) or non-work weekday (N), the corresponding code prints beneath the date instead of the date's number in the day-by-day count. The count includes all weekend workdays, paid holidays, and paid non-work weekdays. The count skips non-paid holidays and non-work weekdays.
The Calendar Table report's default file name is calendar.rpt.
Action Bar Items
The Import option on the Action Bar displays the Calendar Import page that allows users to import existing calendars. For details, refer to Import Calendar Table.
The following options display on the Action Bar when you access the List section:
Option | Description |
Copy | Displays the Copy Calendar from box, which allows users to copy calendar information to a new calendar. Users can enter the new Calendar Type and Description and set the new calendar's Start and End and Pay Start and Pay End Dates. You can also copy Holidays, Non-Work Days, and Weekend Work Days. |
Holidays | Displays the Calendar Holiday Table page. This page lists the holidays in the selected calendar and indicates whether they are paid holidays. |
Non-Work Weekdays | Displays the Calendar Non-Work Weekdays page. This page lists non-work weekdays in the selected calendar and indicates whether they are paid non-work days. |
Weekend Work Days | Displays the Calendar Weekend Work page. This page lists the weekend work days in the selected calendar. |
Copy a Calendar
On the Calendars page, enter the criteria to search for the required records in the Search Criteria section.
Click Search or Find.
In the List section, select the calendar to copy.
Click Copy.
Refer to Calendar Table#Copy Calendar from Page and enter valid information.
Click OK.
Field Descriptions
Copy Calendar from Page
This page allows users to enter the new calendar type and description and edit the details of the copied calendar for the new calendar.
Field | Description |
Calendar Type | The code identifying the new calendar. The limit is four characters. |
Description | The title or description of the new calendar. The limit is 20 characters. |
Start Date | The first day of the work year for employees on the new calendar. |
End Date | The last day of the work year for employees on the new calendar. |
Pay Start Date | The first date employees are paid on the new calendar. |
Pay End Date | The ending date for the days when an employee on the new calendar can be paid. |
Number of Days | The number of workdays in the existing calendar, as calculated by the system. Display-only. |
Copy Holidays | Option to copy holidays from the original calendar. |
Copy Non-Work Days | Option to copy non-work days from the original calendar. |
Copy Weekend Work Days | Option to copy weekend workdays from the original calendar. |
Calendar Data Section
Use this section to identify the Calendar record and define its duration.
Field | Description |
Calendar Type | The code identifying a calendar. The limit is four characters. |
Description | The title or description of the calendar. The limit is 20 characters. |
Start Date | The first day of the work year for employees on this calendar. On the Pay Rate Information pages, this date and the end date are used to calculate the number of days worked and determine the contract start and end dates for contracted pay rates. A calendar can span 365 days, except in leap years (366). |
End Date | The last day of the work year for employees on this calendar. Refer to the conditions noted for the Start Date field. |
Pay Start Date | The first date employees are paid in the current year. When the system processes a pay run, it determines the validity of the pay date based on the pay start and end dates, not the calendar start and end dates. Usually, the pay start and end dates are the same as the calendar dates, but they can differ if you need to pay employees outside the calendar’s range. You can also override pay dates in the Start Date and End Date fields in employees’ Pay Rate Information pages. For example, a calendar starts on 9/01/2017 and ends on 6/31/2018. If needed, employees can be paid as early as 8/26/2017 or as late as 7/10/2018 by using these as the pay start and end dates. |
Pay End Date | The ending date for the range of days when an employee can be paid. This is usually the same as the calendar end date, but as with the pay start date, it can be different. Also, if needed, you can override the pay end date in employees’ Pay Rate Information pages. |
Number of Days | The number of workdays in the calendar, as calculated by the system. The system uses the following equation to calculate the number of days: Number of Workdays = Weekdays from Start to End Date - Non-Paid Holidays - Non-Paid Non-Work Weekdays + Weekend Workdays This display-only value defaults to employees’ Pay Rate Information pages through their job classes. The system uses the number of days to calculate the annual salary for certain pay methods. Note the following conditions:
You can enter holiday, non-work weekday, and weekend workday information using the appropriate action items when adding or changing a Calendar record. |
Calendar Holiday Table Page
When adding or changing a calendar record, click Holidays to display the Calendar Holiday Table page. This page lets you define dates as holidays in the calendar you are defining. You can then determine whether those dates are paid or non-paid.
Field | Description |
Holidays | The dates of all holidays in the calendar period. The Paid Holiday field indicates whether employees are to be paid. Paid holidays are included in the count of the number of days worked. You cannot use the dates of holidays in attendance entry. |
Paid Holiday | Indicates whether employees are paid for the holiday entered. Paid holidays are included in the calendar's number of days worked; non-paid holidays are not. Select:
Calendar Non-Work Weekdays Page
When adding or changing a calendar record, click Non-Work Weekdays to display the Calendar Non-Work Weekdays page. Use this page to define non-work weekdays that do not count as holidays. Again, you can designate the dates as paid or non-paid.
Field | Description |
Non-Work Weekdays | The dates of all non-work weekdays within the calendar period. The Paid Non-Work Day field indicates whether employees are paid on these dates. For example, if Christmas vacation is from 12/24/2017 through 01/01/2018 and Christmas and New Year's Day are the only paid holidays, enter 12/25/2017 and 01/01/2018 in the Calendar Holiday Table page and select Yes in the Paid Holiday fields. You should also enter the other weekday dates and select No in the Paid Holiday fields to indicate they are non-work, non-paid weekdays. |
Paid Non-Work Weekdays | Indicates whether employees are paid for the non-work weekday entered. Paid non-work weekdays are included in the calendar's number of days worked; non-paid days are not. Select:
Calendar Weekend Work Page
When adding or changing a calendar record, click Weekend Work Days to display the Calendar Weekend Work page. Use this page to define weekend dates that count as work days.
Field | Description |
Weekend Work Day | The dates of weekend days designated as workdays. This allows you to enter timecard hours and attendance for the days indicated. |