Changing Your Password
When you first log into Time Entry, you will need to change your Time Entry password. After this initial change, you can change your password at any time using the Update Password button in either the Time Entry timecard page (for employees) or Time Entry approval page (for Time Entry supervisors).
Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Time Entry > Time Entry
Setting Up Passwords
While it is important that you make your password one you can remember, you also need to take care not to pick a password that is easy for someone else to guess. Here are a couple of common tips that apply to password-protected accounts:
Use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols, rather than a word or name.
Mix capital letters with lower case letters.
The only restriction may be the password's length, which is set using minimum and maximum fields in the Time Entry Profile.
Changing your Time Entry password
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Time Entry > Time Entry to display the Time Entry Login page.
Enter your Employee ID and Password, and then click OK.
In the Time Entry page, click Update Password.
If you are logging into Time Entry for the first time, the Change Password window displays automatically. Proceed to Step 5.In the Old Password field, enter your current password.
Enter your New Password. Remember, the system stores the password exactly as entered here, including your use of capital and lower case letters.
If maximum and minimum password length limits are set up, these rules are enforced here.In the Please Confirm Your New Password field, reenter the password to verify that you entered it correctly.
Click OK to save your password.