Clear Payout Dates and Amounts Page
Use the Clear Payout Dates and Amounts page to clear paid-to-date information for an employee who has received a contract payout. This data, which is stored in hidden payout (pyo) fields, includes the values used in the Payouts option to calculate the employee's pay and unused leave.
Running the clear payout process for a pay rate that still has a balance (indicating a payout was not made) has no effect on the amounts stored in the rate. It only affects the hidden fields. If the process has not been run against the rate, these fields will all contain 0.00. For additional information, refer to Payouts Item.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee > Employee Information > search for and select an employee > click OK to display the Employee Information detail page > click Actions on the Action Bar, and then select Clear Payout Dates
Clearing the values used in calculating an employee's contract payout
- Click Actions, and then select Clear Payout Dates on the Action Bar to display the Clear Payout Dates and Amounts page.
The page's Class field defaults the job class code from the employee's primary rate. The other fields default to 0.00. - In the Class field, you may accept the default from the primary rate or enter a different job class.
If you select a class that is not assigned to one of the employee's pay rates, the following message displays: No payrate exists for this class. In this case, you must select a different class. - Click OK.
In the Clear Payout Dates dialog, click Yes to clear the hidden fields used in calculating the payout:
Date the payout was made.
Number of pays remaining through the end of the contract.
Number of days remaining through the end of the contract.
Rate for determining the contract payout.
Amount paid out under the contract rate.
The message Record updated displays. Also, the appropriate amounts default from the pay rate to the Paid To Date and Contract Limit fields. After an employee receives a payout, the system resets the pay rate's Contract Balance field to 0.00.
- Repeat Steps 2-3 for any additional pay rates where the employee has received a payout.
When you select another job class in Step 2, the amounts in the Paid To Date, Contract Limit, and Contract Balance fields display immediately. - Click Back to close the page.