COBRA Status Report
Use this option to generate a report on the billing status of individual COBRA benefits. The COBRA Status Listing provides payment dates, amounts paid, amounts due, total billings, and total payments. You also have the choice of focusing on current amounts, delinquent amounts, or both.
Menu Path: Benefits > Reports > Benefits Reports > COBRA Status Report
Report Types
The Report Type section includes the following radio buttons for determining the type of data to include:
Current (default) | Focuses on current billing amounts. This excludes records that have delinquent amounts but includes those with no amounts due. |
Delinquent | Limits the report to records with delinquent balances. These records always have current amounts due, since delinquent balances are paid first. |
Both | Includes both current and delinquent billing amounts. |
Generating the COBRA Status Listing
Select Benefits > Reports > Benefits Reports > COBRA Status Report.
In the Report Type section, select a radio button to determine the type of data to include: Current, Delinquent, or Both.
In the Sort Order section, select the appropriate radio button to determine whether to sort records by Employee Name or Employee Number.
In the Report Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to include.
Click OK.
In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is cobstat.rpt.
Field | Description |
Employee Number | Employee ID numbers. You can enter an individual ID or use query symbols to identify multiple employees.
Benefit | Codes identifying benefits, as defined in the Benefit Codes table.
Dependent SSN | Social Security numbers of employees' dependents. Be sure to include the dashes. If a benefit is not for a dependent, then the system uses the Social Security number of the employee. This field is only available for users with the proper security.
Status | Codes identifying the status of the employee/dependent benefit. Select: P - PENDING |
Notification Type | Codes identifying notices sent to employees or dependents on the status of their benefits. These codes are defined in the Notification Types Table. For information on using query symbols, refer to the Benefit field. |
Due Date | Dates that benefit amounts must be paid. |
Due Current | Amounts due from the most recent billings. |
Due Delinq(uent) | Total amounts unpaid from all past billings, except the most recent. |
Last Paid | Payment amounts from the most recent billings for the accounts selected. |
Paid Date | Dates the most recent payments were made. |
Total Billed | Running totals of all amounts billed for individual benefits. |
Total Paid | Running totals of all amounts paid for individual benefits. |
Note | In date fields, you can use the less than (<), greater than (>), and equal (=) symbols to search for records. <=03012018 accesses all records on or before 03/01/2018. >=03012018 accesses all records on or after 03/01/2018. <03012018 accesses all records before 03/01/2018. >03012018 accesses all records after 03/01/2018. =03012018 accesses all records on 03/01/2018. You can also use these symbols in amount fields. For example, >150 accesses all records where the amount was greater than $150. |