Contract Templates
A contract template is a PDF file that contains the contract terms governing employment of district employees. These are created by districts and can be customized for each contract type and school year. They can contain appropriate text for the following information:
District logos
Signatures of board members
Employee name
Any other detailed information to be merged into the contract text
Templates can be created with Adobe Acrobat, MS Word, or other text processing software but the document must be saved as a PDF.
Templates are added as attachments to the associated contract definition in the Contract Center. A contract definition cannot be active without an attached template.
Contract definition Contract Field placeholders
To insert specific information from a contract definition into a contract, you must enter field identifiers using placeholder text that matches the Contract Field entry on a contract definition. The placeholder uses open and close brackets < and > and contains information about the column from which to retrieve specific information. For example, you may have placeholders for <firstname> and <lastname> in the introduction of a contract so that it produces a contract with the employee name when you create employee details.
Based on the identifiers placed in the template, the system will automatically insert the appropriate data. Refer to the Contract Definitions page for details about what tables and columns can be inserted into a contract template and how to format the Contract Field placeholders.