Course Definition
This page lists the instructor's current courses and allows the instructor to edit the course information. The instructor can edit and save the basic course information, class date/times, prerequisites, and credits.
An instructor will then click the course title data link in the Current Courses column to access tabs for editing course information:
On the Course Definition tab, the instructor can edit the information and click Save to save the record.
On the Class Date/Time, Required Completed Course(s), Course Credits, and Miscellaneous tabs, the instructor can edit the information and click Add to save the record.
On all tabs, the instructor can click Cancel to clear any changes made since the last time the page was saved, Print to print a copy of the page, or Back to exit the submit process and return to the previous page.
To access this page, the instructor will click the Course Definition link on the Instructor menu.
Fields and Descriptions
Course Definition Tab
On this tab, the instructor can edit the basic information for the course.
Field | Description |
Course Name | Name of the course. Character/8 |
Course ID | ID for the course. This field is display-only and based on the information entered on the Professional Development Profile settings. |
Status | Status of the course. Defaults to Inactive. The course will become Active when the Professional Development administrator approves it. |
Title | Title of the course. Character/60 |
Instructor Or Facilitator | Name of the instructor/facilitator of the course. This field displays the name of the user who submitted the course and cannot be edited on this tab. |
Description | Description of the course. Character/250 |
Start Date | The start date of the course. |
End Date | The end date of the course. |
Require Evaluation | Checkbox to indicate whether participants are required to complete and evaluation in order to complete the course. |
Min Participants | The minimum number of participants for the course to be offered. |
Max Participants | The maximum number of participants allowed for the course. Once this number has been reached, additional participants will be placed on the wait list. |
Count | Number of students currently registered for the course. |
Allow to Retake | Checkbox indicating whether participants are able to retake the course. |
Location | Identifies the location of the course. The field's selections are from Professional Development's Location Codes table. |
Room | Identifies the room for the course. These options are associated with the selected Location, while the field's selections are from Professional Development's Room Codes table. |
Publish Type | Identifies what type of Professional Development users will be able to view and register for the course. The field's options include:
Schedule | Any description of the schedule for the course the instructor wishes to provide. Character/60 |
Material | Any materials needed for the course. For example, supplies such as a notebook or a particular textbook. |
Pre-Requisites | Any prerequisites participants need for taking the course. |
Employee Cost | Dollar amount for internal participants to take course. |
External Cost | Dollar amount for external participants to take course. |
Term | Identifies the term when the course takes place. The field's selections are from the Course Term Codes table in Human Resources. |
Seat Hours | Total classroom hours for the course. |
Course Type | Identifies the type of course. The field's selections are from Professional Development's Course Types table. |
Require Grade | Checkbox indicating whether a grade is required for the course to be completed. |
Grade Type | Identifies the type of grade scale for the course. The field's selections are from Professional Development's Grade Types table. |
Description | Description of the attached syllabus. The description entered here will display as the link to the syllabus on the Course Information page. |
Attachment | Identifies the name of the attachment. |
Local File | The instructor must click the Browse button to locate the file to upload from their computer. |
Class Date Or Time Tab
This tab displays any class date/times for the course. The instructor can edit or delete existing class dates/times, or add specific dates and times for classes in the course using the Add button.
Field | Description |
Course Name | Course name for the course being edited. This field is display-only. |
Title | Title for the course being edited. This field is display-only. |
Location | Location for the course being submitted. This field is display-only. |
Date | Date for the class. |
Time | Time for the class. |
Duration (Hours) | Duration, in hours, of the class to be added. |
Instructor Or Facilitator of Record | Instructor for the class. This field displays the name of the user who submitted the course. |
Alternate Location | Alternate location for the class to be held. |
Edit | Link that will display the Update Class Date/Time section below the class listing to edit class dates/times. The instructor can edit the class date/time information and click Save to submit changes or Cancel to clear any changes made since the last time the page was saved. |
Delete | Click to delete the class date/time. Class cannot be deleted if a course has registered participants. |
Required Completed Course(s) Tab
This tab lists courses the participants need to have completed before taking the current course. The instructor can delete existing prerequisites, or add a new required completed course using the Add button.
Field | Description |
Course Name | Course name for the course being edited. Display only. |
Title | Title for the course being submitted. Display only. |
Course Name | Name of the prerequisite course. |
Course Title | Title of the prerequisite course. |
Delete | Click to delete the prerequisite course. |
Select Course Name | Name of the course to be added as a prerequisite. The instructor can enter the course name or display the Required Completed Course(s) List, where the Instructor can select the prerequisite course. |
Course Credits Tab
This tab lists special credits granted to the participant upon completing the course. The instructor can delete existing credits, or add a new credit using the Add button.
Field | Description |
Course Name | Course name for the course being submitted. Display only. |
Title | Title for the course being submitted. Display only. |
Credit Type | Identifies the type of credit earned for completion of the course. The fields selections are from the Course Credit Types table in Human Resources. |
Credits | Number of credits to be earned for completion of the course. |
Credit Date | Date credit earned for course will be applied. |
Credit Granting Institution | Identifies the institution granting credit for the course. The fields selections are from the Degree Schools table in Human Resources. |
Miscellaneous Tab
This tab lists miscellaneous codes associated with the course. The instructor can delete existing codes, or add a new miscellaneous code using the Add button.
Field | Description |
Course Name | Course name for the course being submitted. Display only. |
Title | Title for the course being submitted. Display only. |
Type | Identifies the miscellaneous code associated with the course. The field's selections are from Professional Development's Miscellaneous Types table. |
Item | Identifies the item associated with the miscellaneous code type selected. The field's selections are from Professional Development's Miscellaneous Types table. |
Comments | Any comments associated with the Miscellaneous type for the course. Character/250 |