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Course Email Tab

Use Professional Development's Course Email tab in the Workflow Configuration Profile to define the information that will display on the email notifications sent to approvers, instructors, and participants when a course is submitted, approved/denied, or changed. The variables you use in the body of the email are what will be seen in the emails to the approvers, participants, and instructors. The information entered in the Subject field will be in the subject line of the email and on the activity description. Each type of workflow has its own email subject and body.

The Reminder email, in addition to the subject and body fields, has a Remind Every field, which allows you to enter in hours/days, how often you want approvers to be notified that they have outstanding approvals.

In general, Professional Development Course workflow consists of two workflow types. One type is a notification that requires an action to be performed. The other is a notification the action has been taken. Since the course approval allows for different types of actions to be taken, workflow allows notifications to be set up for each type of action.

Menu Path:  System Administration > Administration > Profiles > Workflow Configuration Profile > Professional Development > Course

Action Buttons

The following action buttons display on the tab:


Saves your settings.


Resets any changes you made prior to the last time you clicked Apply.


You can use the variables defined on the Course Email tab in the subject and body for each workflow notification. When the email or activity is sent, the variable is replaced with the data pertaining to the workflow. You may use as many variables as needed.

Following are the variables available for Course Email Workflows:


The course ID number.


The name of the course.


The title of the course.


The status of the course.


Comment associated with the denial.


The location for the course.


The room for the course.


Maximum number of participants allowed in the course.


Date and time for a particular class.


Name of the instructor for the course.


The link to the Courses page in PowerSchool ERP.


Allows you to designate a new line for the body of your email if your browser doesn't allow you to enter one.

Course Workflow Types

Following are the different workflow notifications that can be configured on the Course Email Configuration:

Course Needs Approval

This workflow is initiated when a course is submitted. Approvers receive this notification based on settings on the Course Forms tab. This workflow type requires an action.

Course Approved

This workflow is initiated when course is approved. Instructors receive this notification based on settings on the Course Forms tab. This workflow type is a notification that the course has been approved.

Course Denied

This workflow is initiated when a course is denied. Instructors receive this notification based on settings on the Course Forms tab. This workflow type is a notification that the course has been denied.

Course Canceled

This workflow is initiated when a course is canceled. Instructors and participants receive this notification based on settings on the Course Forms tab. This workflow type is a notification that the course has been canceled.


This workflow is initiated when a course is submitted and no action has been taken on the course since the Course Needs Approval notification was sent. This notification is sent based on the time entered in the Remind Every field. Approvers receive this notification based on settings on the Course Forms tab. This workflow type requires an action.

Course Location Changed

This workflow is initiated when a course location is changed. Instructors and participants associated with the course receive this notification when the action is performed. This workflow type is a notification that the course location has been changed.

Course Size Changed

This workflow is initiated when a course maximum or minimum size is changed. Instructors and participants associated with the course receive this notification when the action is performed. This workflow type is a notification that the course size has been changed.

Class Date/Time Changed

This workflow is initiated when a class date/time is changed. Instructors and participants associated with the course receive this notification when the action is performed. This workflow type is a notification that a class date/time has been changed.

Class Location Changed

This workflow is initiated when a class location is changed. Instructors and participants receive this notification when the action is performed. This workflow type is a notification that the class location has been changed.

Course Completed

This workflow is initiated when a course is completed. Instructors and participants receive this notification when the action is performed. This workflow type is a notification that the course has been completed.




Remind Every

The period of time from when a Needs Approval notification is sent to an approver until a reminder notification should be sent when no approval action is taken. Time can be in hours or days as needed. The time entered may not be less than 3 hours. Available only for the Reminder workflow type.

Examples: Enter 02:12:00 if you want the reminder to be sent 2 days, 12 hours after the initial needs approval notification was sent. Enter 00:08:00 if you want the reminder to be sent 8 hours after the initial needs approval notification was sent.


Text that will appear in the subject line of the email notification and in the Activity column on the Activities panel of the PowerSchool ERP home page. You can define a different subject line for each workflow type.


Text that will appear in the body of the email notification. You can define a different body message for each workflow type.

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