Course Registration
A participant can register for a course through the Browse Course page on the participant menu. After the participant registers, the course will display in their current courses listing and will have a link to the registration confirmation.
Both internal and external participants can register for courses but which courses display for each type depends on the Publish Type field on the Course Information page of Professional Development. If the course is not available for the type of participant, it will not display.
To register for a course, a participant should log in to Professional Development and use the Browse Courses menu option to search for the desired course.
Once the participant has located the course they wish to register for, they will click the Course Title link in the Course Title column.
The link will take the participant to the Course Information page, which will have a Course Registration section below the Course Information section. The Course Registration section will display any external cost of the course.The participant will click Register to register for the course and display the Professional Development Registration Confirmation. The participant will also receive an email confirming their registration.
The participant can print the confirmation at any time by accessing the Current Registration page and clicking the Course Title.