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Course Registration Email Tab

Use the Course Registration Email tab to define the information that will display in the email notifications sent to participants when they register for a course. The variables you use in the body of the emails are what will be seen in the emails to the participants. The information you enter in the Subject field will be in the subject line of the email and on the activity description. Each type of workflow has its own email subject and body.

The Professional Development Course Registration Workflow consists of one workflow type: a notification that an action has occurred. Workflow allows notifications to be set up for each type of action.

Menu Path:  System Administration > Administration > Profiles > Workflow Configuration Profile > Professional Development > Course Registration

Action Buttons

The following action buttons display on the tab:


Saves your settings.


Resets any changes you made prior to the last time you clicked Apply.


You can use the variables defined on the Course Registration Email tab in the subject and body for each workflow notification. When the email or activity is sent, the variable is replaced with the data pertaining to the workflow. You can use as many or as few as you need.

Following are the variables available for Course Registration Email Workflows:


The course ID number.


The name of the course.


The title of the course.


The registration confirmation number.


The status of the registration.


The position on the wait list for a course.


The confirmation number when a course is dropped.


The date and time of class.


The name of the participant.


Allows you to designate a new line for the body of your email if your browser doesn't allow you to enter one.

Course Registration Workflow Types

Following are the different workflow notifications that can be configured on the Course Registration Email Configuration:

Course Registration Confirmation

This workflow is initiated when a course registration is submitted successfully. Participants receive this notification based on settings on the Course Registration Forms tab.

Wait List Notification

This workflow is initiated when a participant is placed on the waiting list for a course. Participants receive this notification based on settings on the Course Registration Forms tab.

Registered After Wait List

This workflow is initiated when a participant is removed from the wait list and registered for the course. Participants receive this notification based on settings on the Course Registration Forms tab.

Course Dropped

This workflow is initiated when a participant drops a course. Participants receive this notification based on settings on the Course Registration Forms tab.





Text that will appear in the subject line of the email notification and in the Activity column on the Activities panel of the PowerSchool ERP home page. You can define a different subject line for each workflow type.


Text that will appear in the body of the email notification. You can define a different body message for each workflow type.

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