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Course Registration Forms Tab

Use the Course Registration Forms tab to define when a participant should be notified for a course registration activity. With the settings on this tab, you can define the following:

  • Whether participants should be notified when they successfully register for a course or drop a course.

  • Whether participants should be notified when they are placed on a wait list for a course.

  • Whether participants should be notified when a course has an opening and they are removed from the wait list and registered for the course.

Menu Path:  System Administration > Administration > Profiles > Workflow Configuration Profile > Professional Development > Course Registration > open Course Registration Forms tab

Action Buttons

The following action buttons display on the tab:


Saves your settings.


Resets any changes you made prior to the last time you clicked Apply.




Notify Participant - Successful Registration

Checkbox to determine if participants should be sent notification when they successfully register for a course. Select the box if you want participants to receive the notification, otherwise leave blank.

Notify Participant - Wait List

Checkbox to determine if participants should be sent notification when they are placed on the wait list for a course. Select the box if you want participants to receive the notification, otherwise leave blank.

Notify Participant - Course Dropped

Checkbox to determine if participants should be sent notification when they successfully drop a course. Select the box if you want participants to receive the notification, otherwise leave blank.

Notify Participant - Registered after Wait List

Checkbox to determine if participants should be sent notification when they are removed from the wait list and registered for the course. Select the box if you want participants to receive the notification, otherwise leave blank.

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