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Create Employee W2 File

Use this option to build workfiles of employees' W2 information and set additional parameters for printing your W2 forms.

The W2 Wizard leads you through the pages involved in loading employees' W2 records.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > W2 Processing > click Create Employee W2 File

If you need to re-load employee records, you must run the Employee W2 File Purge option first to delete the data in your workfile.

W2 Workfile Pages

The process for loading employee tax information into a workfile involves the following pages:

W2 Workfile Load Criteria

Enables you to set the tax year and identify the workfile associated with the employees whose records you want to load. You can also print the W2 Work File Load Parameters report to review the information that was entered the last time the create was run.

W2 Workfile Pay Groups

Enables you to reference pay groups for loading employee records. You can enter pay groups individually or select all groups.

W2 Workfile Box 12

Enables you to reference deduction and pay code data for Box 12 of the W2 form.

W2 Workfile Box 14

Enables you to reference deduction data and pay code data for Box 14 of the W2 form.

W2 Workfile Dependent Care

Enables you to reference deductions tied to dependent care benefits.

W2 Workfile Pension

Enables you to reference employee pension plan deductions.

W2 Workfile Local Tax Deductions

Enables you to reference deductions associated with employees' local tax information.

Setting up your W2 workfile

  1. Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > W2 Processing, and then click Create Employee W2 File to display the W2 Workfile Load Criteria page.
    If you are using the W2 Wizard, this page displays when you click Next in the Copy W2 information page.
  2. In the Tax Year field, select the tax year for the W2's being generated.
  3. In the Control Number field, enter the code identifying the workfile for loading the employee records.
    If you enter a Tax Year/Control Number combination for a workfile that is already loaded, an Error dialog displays.
    Click OK to close and click Finish to return to the W2 Processing page, and then use the Employee W2 File Purge option to purge the file's records. After clearing the records, you can run the procedure for creating your W2 workfile.
  4. If needed, click the W2 Workfile Load Criteria page's Print to display a Print page for generating the W2 Work File Load Parameters report. The report's default file name is loadw2i.rpi.
    This report shows existing load criteria. For a sample, refer the end of the Create Employee W2 File section.
  5. After entering a valid Tax Year/Control Number combination, click Next.
  6. Complete the series of W2 Workfile pages. Refer to the Fields section for details on these individual pages.
    These pages include the following action buttons: 


    Returns you to the previous page.


    Saves your entries and opens the next Workfile page.


    Saves your entries and returns to the W2 Processing page.

    To remove a record from a page, delete all of its data. In fields with drop-down lists, select the blank to delete an entry.

  7. A Print page displays when you complete the last page, W2 Workfile Local Tax Deductions.
    Select a destination for generating the Create Employee W2 File report. The report's default file name is w2load.rpt.
  8. Click OK to begin loading the records and generating the report. A Processing page displays to indicate the system's progress.
  9. When the load is complete, click OK in the Processing page to return to the W2 Processing page.
  10. Review the Create Employee W2 File report to verify that your W2 workfile was set up correctly.
    The report lists the criteria entered, number of records loaded, and employees whose records were not loaded. Save this report for future reference. For a sample, refer to the end of the Create Employee W2 File section.
  11. Use the Employee W2 File Update option, as outlined in the next section. This option enables you to add employee records missed in the load and edit the workfile's data.

W2 Workfile Load Criteria Page

Use this page to identify the workfile for the employee records you want to load.



Tax Year

Calendar year that applies to the W2 information being loaded.

Control Number

Code identifying a workfile in combination with the tax year. The tax year/control number combination is defined in the W2 and 1099R Employer Maintenance page.

The following fields are only applicable to Pennsylvania customers. If both of these fields are blank, then the reported values will be blank.

Report Work PSD

Select to use the PSD (Political Subdivision) Code's assigned Location Code and Tax Collection District (TCD) Code from the Location PSD Code Maintenance page.

Tax Collection District Code

Two-digit state-assigned code identifying the Tax Collection District.

If the Report Work PSD field is selected, entering the TCD in this field will apply to any employees or locations that do not have a corresponding PSD code. To apply the TCD to all employees, leave the Report Work PSD field blank.

W2 Workfile Pay Groups Page

Use this page to enter pay groups to identify the employee records to load.



Pay Groups

User-defined, one-character codes stored in employees’ Pay Rate records. These codes are used to group employees during pay runs and are also used to load employee’s W2 information.

The page accepts up to 24 codes. You must enter at least one pay group. To include all pay groups, use the asterisk, which initially defaults to the first field. If you want to identify pay groups individually, remove the asterisk, and enter the desired codes.

Create W2 Workfile Code Updates PageUse this page to access the W2 Workfile Box 12, W2 Workfile Box 14, W2 Workfile Dependent Care, and W2 Workfile Pension pages to review and update for the current tax year.

Create W2 Workfile Code Updates Page

Use this page to access the W2 Workfile Box 12, W2 Workfile Box 14, W2 Workfile Dependent Care, and W2 Workfile Pension pages to review and update for the current tax year.

W2 Workfile Box 12 Page

Use this page to identify deductions and pay codes for Box 12 in the W2 form.



Search Criteria Section


Type of Box 12 income as defined in IRS Circular E, Employer’s Tax Guide. Following are the codes accepted. Note that the descriptions are spelled out here, whereas they are abbreviated in the drop-down list.

A - Uncollected Social Security Tax on Tips
AA - Roth Contributions under 401(k)
B - Uncollected Medicare Tax on Tips
BB - Roth Contributions under 403(b)
C - Life Insurance Over $50000
CC - Hire Exempt Wages and Tips
D - Deferral 401(k)
DD - Employer-Sponsored Health Cost
E - Deferral 403(b)
EE - Roth Contributions under 457
F - Deferral 408(k)
FF - Permitted benefits under a qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangement
G - Deferral Section 457
GG - Income from qualified equity grants under section 83( i )
H - Deferral 501(c)
HH - Aggregate deferrals under section 83( i ) elections

II - Income Excl Medicaid Waiv Pay
J - Non-Taxable Sick Pay
K - Golden Parachute
L - Employee Business Expense
M - Uncollected Social Security Tax on Term Life Insurance
N - Uncollected Medicare Tax on Term Life Insurance
P - Moving Expenses
Q - Non-Taxable Combat Pay
R - Employer Medical Savings Account Contribution
S - Employee Salary Reduction Contribution to Simple Retirement Account
T - Employer-Paid Adoption Assistance
V - Non-Statutory Stock Options
W - Health Savings Account
Y - Deferrals under Section 409(a)
Z - Income under Section 409(a)

Deductions or payments that do not fall under these categories should be entered in the next page, W2 Workfile Box 14.

Code Types

Codes identifying the source of the taxable amount.


D - Deduction Amount (employee‑paid)
B - Benefit Amount (employer‑paid)
+ - Deduction Amount plus Benefit Amount
P - Pay Code Amount

Box 12 Information Section


Codes identifying either deductions, benefits, deduction/benefit combinations, or pay code records, depending on your entry in the Code Types field.

Use the Code Select button to display the Deduction Codes or Pay Codes page and select the codes for the box 12 information. To select multiple codes, hold the <Ctrl> key down on the keyboard and use the mouse to select the chosen codes. Click OK to insert the selected codes in the Box 12 page.

You must enter at least one code for each Label/Code Type combination.


Please access this page to review and update for the current tax year.

W2 Workfile Box 14 Page

Use this page to report additional deductions, benefits, wages, payments, deferrals, and other data not included elsewhere. Refer to the IRS Circular E, Employer’s Tax Guide, and Instructions for Forms W2 and W3 for guidelines.



Search Criteria Section


Abbreviations identifying the information being reported. For example, for professional dues, enter DUES. Character/6

Code Types

Codes identifying the type of data.


D - Deduction Amount (employee‑paid)
B - Benefit Amount (employer‑paid)
+ - Deduction Amount plus Benefit Amount
P - Pay Code Amount

Box 14 Information Section


Codes identifying deductions, benefits, deduction/benefit combinations, or pay code records, depending on your entry in the Code Types field.

Use the Code Select button to display the Deduction Codes or Pay Codes page and select the codes for the box 14 information. To select multiple codes, hold the <ctrl> key down on the keyboard and use the mouse to select the chosen codes. Click OK to insert the selected codes in the Box 14 page.
You must enter at least one code for each Label/Code Type combination.


Please access this page to review and update for the current tax year.

W2 Workfile Dependent Care Page

Use this page to enter information on dependent care.



Dependent Care Contribution

Code identifying the type of data associated with the contribution.


D - Employee Deduct (employee‑paid)
B - Employer Contrib (employer‑paid)
+ - Both (Employee Deduct plus Employer Contrib)
N - None (no dependent care)

Dependent Care Codes

Codes for identifying records that apply to dependent care. The field’s drop-down list displays codes from the Deduction table.

You can enter an unlimited number of codes. If you select N - None in the Dependent Care Contribution field, leave all of the code fields blank.


Please access this page to review and update for the current tax year.

W2 Workfile Pension Page

Use this page to enter information for retirement or pension plans.



Pension Codes

Codes identifying retirement or pension records in the Deduction table.

You can enter an unlimited number of codes.

When you complete your entries and click OK, a Confirmation dialog displays.

Click one of the buttons to determine whether an X will appear in the Retirement Plan checkbox on employees’ W2 forms:

YesIf an employee’s year-to-date deduction/benefit (pension) amount is greater than zero, the system inserts an X. If not, the checkbox remains blank.
NoThe system inserts an X regardless of whether the employee received an amount.


Please access this page to review and update for the current tax year.

W2 Workfile Local Tax Deductions Page

Use this page to specify deductions related to local tax payments. This information appears on the W2 form, as indicated in the Fields, but has no effect on the employee’s federal taxes.


This page only applies if you do not use the standard Local Tax tables in Human Resources, and as an alternative, you deduct local taxes through the Deductions table.




User-defined codes identifying municipalities where employees pay taxes.

The W2 form accommodates information for only two localities. If an employee paid taxes in more than two localities, you must prepare additional forms for reporting the income and taxes.


Codes identifying deductions, benefits, and deduction/benefit combinations in the Deductions table.

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