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Create W2C

Use this option to load W2 records that require W2C corrections because they were filed with incorrect information. After the desired records have been loaded, you can make edits on the W2C Employee File Update page to reflect the specific information that was reported incorrectly on the W2. For details, refer to W2C Processing.

Menu path

From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Year End menu, select W2C Processing. From the action bar, select Create W2C.

Load employee W2 records

If you have already edited the W2 employer record for the tax year and control number entered in the Load Criteria, edit the Reported values to those that were reported on original W2s.

  1. On the Create W2C page, in the Load Criteria section, select a Tax Year and Control Number.

  2. Optionally, enter one or more employee numbers. Use the pipe symbol to enter multiple employees, for example 1234|4567|9852. To load all employee W2 data, leave Employee Number blank.

  3. In the Employer State Identification Criteria section, the State and Reported W2 State ID Number fields populate with States and State IDs that are present on the W2 employer record on the Employer and Additional States tabs for the same year and control number. If you need to make a bulk change for W2C records:

    • If you have not edited the W2 employer record and the populated entry matches what was reported on original W2s, enter the Corrected Sate ID Number for W2C.

    • If you already edited the W2 employer record, copy the value from Reported W2 State ID Number to Corrected State ID Number for W2C, then edit the Reported W2 State ID Number to the value that was reported on original W2s.

  4. Click Accept.

Fields and descriptions

Load Criteria



Tax Year

Drop-down selection for year that the original W2 was filed for.

Control Number

Control Number W2 batch that the record was filed under.

Employee Number

Enter an employee ID to create a single W2C. Enter a range or piped group (for example, 123|247|9999) to create W2C records for multiple employees.

If you leave this field blank, it will create a W2C for each employee in the W2 Tax Year and Control Number indicated in the initial criteria.

Employer State Identification Criteria




Defaults the current state and additional states from the W2 employer record for the tax year and control number.

Reported W2 State ID Number

Defaults the current values for State ID Number and additional State ID numbers from the W2 employer record for the tax year and control number.

If the W2 employer record was already corrected, make sure to edit the Reported fields to what was actually reported on W2s.

Corrected State ID Number for W2C

Enter the corrected State ID numbers that should be used on W2Cs.

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