Detail Distribution Detail
Use this option to generate a report on the Fund Accounting distributions of employees' gross pay, taxes, deductions, and benefits. If you use project accounting, the report also includes distributions for projectrelated charges.
The Detail Distribution report provides distribution data for each employee grouped by the following record types:
D - Taxes/Dedutions
F - Fringe Benefits
O - Regular Gross Wages
P - Project Gross Wages
R - Project Fringe Benefits
W - Workers' Compensation
Menu Path: Human Resources > Reports > Payroll > Detail Distribution Detail
Report Sort Method Options
You can sort the Detail Distribution Report using three different types of methods, depending on which of the following radio buttons you select:
Record Type | Generates the Detail Distribution By Record Type report. Select this method to sort the report by record type, code, organization, account, pay date, employee last name and employee first name. |
Employee Number | Generates the Detail Distribution By Employee Number report. Select this method to sort the report by employee number, record type, code, organization, account and pay date. |
Employee Name | Generates the Detail Distribution By Employee Name report. Select this method to sort by employee last name, employee first name, employee number, record type, code, organization, account and pay date. |
Job Class | Generates the Detail Distribution By Job Class report. Select this method to sort by job class code, record type, code (pay or deduction), organization, account, pay date, last name, and first name. |
Generating the Detail Distribution report
Select Human Resources > Reports > Payroll > Detail Distribution Detail.
In the Report Sort Method section, select the sort order.
Click OK.
In the Report Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to include in the report. To perform an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
Click OK.
In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is detdist.rpt.
Report Criteria Section
Field | Description | ||||||
Employee Number | Employee ID numbers. For a listing of all employees affected, leave this field blank. To produce a report on selected employees, use the pipe ( | ) query symbol to separate employee numbers; for example, 1482|2138|1956. | ||||||
Pay Period Date | Specific pay date or range of dates for the pay periods you want the report to cover. To enter a range, separate the first and last dates in the range with a colon; for example, 10012017:12312017, which would access all pay periods for the last three months of 2017. | ||||||
Record Type | System-assigned code indicating the type of data included. Select: F -Fringe Benefits - Lists fringe benefits by deduction code, pay date, organization, and account. For a report covering all record types, leave the field blank. | ||||||
Organization Or Project | Code identifying a budget unit or project in the Fund Accounting System. | ||||||
Account | Number identifying an account associated with the budget unit or project. | ||||||
Offset Account | Liability account for Fringe Benefits and Workers’ Compensation record types. | ||||||
Amount | Dollar amount distributed in Fund Accounting. You can use the greater than (>) or less than (<) symbol in your entry. For example, >1000 matches all entries greater than $1,000. | ||||||
Code | Codes identifying either tax table codes, deduction/benefit codes, or pay codes, depending on the record type. You may use the pipe symbol to separate codes, for example, 260|570|860. | ||||||
Job Class | Code identifying the employee's job class. | ||||||
Check Number | Payroll check numbers. For a series of checks, separate the first and last numbers in the series with a colon, for example, 2500:3000. To specify nonconsecutive numbers, separate each check number with the pipe symbol, for example, 12536|12897|12618. To include all checks, leave the field blank. | ||||||
Check Date | Date that the check was issued. | ||||||
Primary Paygroup | Pay group codes used in employees’ primary pay rates. To specify more than one pay group, use the pipe symbol to separate their codes, for example, A|B|E|M. To include all pay groups, leave the field blank. | ||||||
Manual Or Void | Code specifying the types of checks to include: M - Manual Checks To include manual, void, and regular checks, leave the field blank. | ||||||
Pay Run | Pay run number assigned during payroll setup. To specify more than one pay run, separate each number with the pipe symbol, for example, 141|151|161. | ||||||
Distribution Type | Distribution types to include on the report. Character/1 Leave blank to include all distribution types, or enter: