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Detail Distribution Summary

Use this option to generate a summary report of payroll cost distributions in the Fund Accounting System. The report lists the total dollar amount per fund and covers all costs, except gross wages and fringe benefits tied to projects.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Reports. From the Payroll menu, select Detail Distribution Summary.

Generate the Detail Distribution Summary report

  1. On the Detail Distribution Summary page, in the Report Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to include in the report. To perform an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  2. Click Accept.

  3. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is sumdist.rpt

Fields and Definitions

Report Criteria



Pay Period Date

Specific pay date or a range of dates covering one or more pay periods.

Record Type

Code limiting the report to a specific record type. To include all record types, except project-related records, leave the field blank.


  • F -Fringe Benefits - Lists fringe benefits in order of deduction code, pay date, organization, and account.

  • R - Fringe Benefits (Project) - Lists fringe benefits related to projects in order of deduction code, project, and account.

  • O - Gross Wages (Regular) - Lists gross wages in order of pay code, date, organization, and account.

  • P - Gross Wages (Project) - Lists the gross wages related to projects in order of pay code, date, project, and account.

  • D - Deductions/Taxes - Lists taxes and deductions by code, pay date, organization, and account.

  • W - Workers' Compensation - Lists fringe benefits related to projects in order of deduction code, project, and account.

Codes related to projects - R - Fringe Benefits (Project) and P - Gross Wages (Project) - can be selected, but the resulting report will be empty.


Pay codes assigned to employees' primary pay rates. To specify multiple pay codes, use the pipe symbol to separate each, for example, 115|220|350.

Primary Paygroup

Pay group codes used in employees' primary pay rates. To specify more than one pay group, use the pipe symbol to separate their codes, for example, A|B|E|M. To include all pay groups, leave the field blank.

Manual Or Void

Code specifying the types of checks to include, in addition to regular checks:

  • M - Manual Checks

  • V - Void Checks

To include manual, void, and regular checks, leave the field blank.

Pay Run

Pay run number assigned during payroll setup. To specify more than one pay run, separate each number with the pipe symbol; for example, 141|151|161.

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