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Earnings Analysis

Use this option to generate a report showing employees' regular and overtime gross earnings listed by pay code.

Besides the earnings and pay codes, the report includes employee IDs and names, hours worked, and corresponding totals. Leave without pay is shown with negative values for the hours and earnings.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Reports > Personnel > Earnings Analysis

Generating the Earnings Analysis report

  1. Select Human Resources > Reports > Personnel > Earnings Analysis.

  2. In the Report Sort Options section, select the sort order - Name, Department, or Job Class - and then click OK.

  3. In the Report Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to include, and then click OK. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  4. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is earnrpt3.rpt.

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