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Email Notification

The Course Email Notification page allows the instructor to email all or selected participants registered for courses. Each course has an Email Notification link which displays the Email Notification page where the instructor can customize the email. The page also contains a link to the Course Information page. To access this page, the instructor will click the Email Notification link on the Instructor menu.

Following are the pages that can be accessed from the Course Email Notification page. Clicking a data link will take the instructor to the corresponding page.

Course Information Page

An instructor can click the data link in the Current Courses column to display the Course Information page for a specific course. This page provides detailed information about the course, as well as a link to view the attendance for the course. An attached syllabus can also be accessed from this page.

Instructors can click Print to print a copy of the course information or Back to return to the previous page.

Email Notification Page

Instructors can click the Email Notification link in the (untitled) column of the Course Email Notification page to display the Email Notification page. This page contains a standard email template which the instructor can fill in. In the To field, the instructor can select the Select All from the Active Participant List or clear the Select All box and select participants individually.

When the instructor has completed the fields, they can click Email to send the email to the selected participants. The instructor can click Cancel to clear any changes since the last time the page was saved, Print to print a copy of the page, or Back to return to the previous page.

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