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Employee Access Center Information for 1095s

This section details the information for employees and administrators who are using Employee Access Center (EAC) to allow employees to see the 1095 forms electronically. If your organization has EAC installed, and wants to allow employees to see the 1095 forms electronically, several identifiers will need to be enabled.

In addition, if you have employees who do not wish to receive a paper 1095, they may update their preference in EAC on the Tax Information page, once the field is made visible and accessible.

In EAC Administration, there are several identifiers to allow you to change the name of the Print 1095s link in the Employee Task list, show/hide the display of the 1095 forms, and show/hide/update the Electronic 1095 flag for the employee to update. To access the identifiers and set them to fit your organization's needs, an Employee Access Center Administrator will select the Profile link in EAC and update the following identifiers in the following categories:

EAC Identifiers - Tax Setup

5508 - Show Printed or EAC 1095 Choice – This option displays the employee 1095 printed or electronic only field and value on Tax screen in EAC. Select Yes or No.

5509 - Allow Update of Printed or EAC 1095s – This option determines whether the employee may update the 1095 printed or electronic field value on the Tax Information page. If the employee selects an electronic 1095 only, the printing process in PowerSchool ERP will EXCLUDE this employee's form from the printing process for distribution to the employees. Select Yes or No.

EAC Identifiers - Title Setup

5133 - Print 1095s Page Title - Text for link name displayed in employee tasks menu to see 1095 forms. The name can be changed to something that will make sense to your employees. You may also click the Hide Page box to hide the page from the task list until you are ready to release the information.

EAC Identifiers - Other Setup

5170 - Hide 1095 Year - Contains tax year of data to hide from employee view until data is released. If you enter 2019, it will display records that are not from 2019.

EAC Identifiers - Disclaimer

94 - 1095 Page Disclaimer. Enter the information to display at the top of the Print 1095 page.

The options were designed to mimic the W2 display information.

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