Employee Anniversaries
Use this option to generate a listing of employees by one of six date categories:
Birth Date | Current Position Date | Last Status Change Date |
Hire Date | Last Increase Date | Leave Anniversary Date |
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Reports. From the Personnel menu, select Employee Anniversaries.
The option uses two pages, in addition to a standard Print window:
Employee Anniversaries Page | For identifying employees. The selection criteria includes employee ID numbers, last and first names, and department code. When you finish your entries, click OK to display the Report Set Up page. |
Report Set Up Page | For entering the date category, report subtitle, and month and year of the anniversary dates. Click OK to display the Print window. |
Report Subtitle
The Report Set Up page's Report Title field allows you to enter a report subtitle, using up to 48 characters. Since the report's title and column headings do not identify the date category selected, we recommend that you use the subtitle for this purpose.
Example: If you run a report using Hire Date as the category, you could enter the subtitle Hire Dates or reference the time period, as in Hire Dates November 2017
Generate the Employee Anniversary report
- On the Employee Anniversaries page, in the Report Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to include, and then click Accept. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
In the Generate Report By window, complete the following fields:
Date Category
- Birth Date
- Hire Date
- Current Position Date
- Last Increase Date
- Last Status Change Date
- Leave Anniversary Date
Select a month (1-12), and then the year.
Report Title
Enter a subtitle for the report. Use the subtitle to identify the date category selected.
The limit is 48 characters.
- Click Accept.
- In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is anniver.rpt.