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Employee Deductions

Use this option to produce a summary report on employee deductions and benefits. The Employee Deductions report shows employee IDs and names, selected assigned deduction codes and their titles, the status of each code, amounts or percentages withheld, and the rate methods used.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Reports. From the Payroll menu, select Employee Deductions.

Sort Method

Select a radio button to choose a sort order:

  • Name (default): Sorts by employee name, and then deduction code.

  • Deduction: Sorts by deduction code, and then employee name.

Report Criteria



Employee Number

Optional: Enter or look up an employee number. Enter multiple employee numbers using the pipe (|) symbol. Leave blank to include all employees according to other selected criteria.

Include Terminated Employees

Optional: Select the checkbox to include terminated employees in the report.

Last Name

Optional: Enter an employee last name.

First Name

Optional: Enter an employee first name.

Deduction Code

Optional: Enter or select one or more deduction codes. 

  • Leave blank to include all deduction codes according to other selected criteria.

  • Type in a deduction code and press Tab. 

  • Type in multiple deduction codes separated by the pipe (|) symbol.

  • Click the drop-down menu and select one or more deduction codes. 

Deduction Status

Required: Select a deduction status.

  • Active Deductions (default)

  • Inactive Deductions

  • All Deductions

Deduction Method

Required: Select a deduction method.

  • Percentage

    • C - Crossover

    • I - Incremental Crossover %

    • M - % Plus Additional Amount

    • P - Table %

    • R - Employee %

  • Amount (default)

    • A - Table Amount

    • S - Employee Amount

  • All: All Amount and Percentage methods and N - None.

Generate the Employee Deductions Report

  1. On the Employee Deduction Report page, select a Sort Method.

  2. In the Report Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to include. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced Search button.

  3. Click Accept

  4. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK.

Default File Names and Options

File or Screen

When output to File or Screen, the report includes totals for the selected sort category.

Default file names:

  • Sort by Name: empded1.rpt

  • Sort by Deduction: empded2.rpt


When output to Excel, select a Data Option: No Totals or All Information. You can also select Run in the Background.

Default file names:

  • Sort by Name: empded1rpt.xlsx

  • Sort by Deduction: empded2rpt.xlsx

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