Employee Insurance Form
Use this option to generate a report listing benefit information for employees. You can select the records to include by department, benefits, and employee number.
A page break occurs at the end of each employee's information. The printout for an employee can run more than one page in length, depending on the number of benefits and dependents.
The display of the dependent's Social Security number on the report is determined by the user's security resources and a setting on the Human Resources Profile.
Menu Path: Benefits > Reports > Benefits Reports > Employee Insurance Form
Generating the Employee Insurance Form
Select Benefits > Reports > Benefits Reports > Employee Insurance Form to display the Employee Insurance Form
In the Report Criteria section's fields, identify the records to include.
Click OK.
In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is prtform.rpt.
Fields | Description |
Department | Codes identifying departments, as defined in Human Resources' Department table.
Benefit | Codes identifying benefits, as defined in the Benefit Codes table.
Employee Number | Employee ID numbers. You can enter an individual ID or use query symbols to identify multiple employees.