Employee Payroll Activity
Use this option to generate a report for internal audits of additions, changes, and deletions of records in the Human Resources database.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Reports > Payroll > Employee Payroll Activity
Report Data
When an employee's record is modified, the system stores both the original data (Old Value) and the new information (New Value). Also stored are employee IDs and names, dates of the activity, tables and fields affected, and login names of the operators responsible.
In addition to documenting changes to existing records, the Employee Payroll Activity report shows records that were added or deleted. The report also documents changes made by the system, such as scheduled increases to salaries and the implementation of new year rates.
The report's Table/Field and Old Value/New Value columns include notations of database functions, such as ADD EMPLOYEE and CHG EMPLOYEE. For example, the Old Value/New Value column will include the notation ADD if a value has been added to an empty field or DELETE if a record has been deleted. Similarly, the notation NEW appears below the table name in the Table/Field column to indicate a new record has been added for an existing employee.
Generating the Employee Payroll Activity report
Select Human Resources > Reports > Payroll > Employee Payroll Activity.
In the Report Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to include, and then click OK. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is activity.rpt.