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End of Eligibility Listing

Use this option to generate a list of employees and dependents whose COBRA eligibility expires on or before a specified date. The report includes the total amounts billed, paid, and outstanding for each employee/dependent benefit listed.

To be selected, a COBRA benefit record must have a date in its Stop Date field that is less than or equal to the stop date entered in the End of Eligibility Listing page. Benefits whose Stop Date fields are blank are excluded from the report.

Menu Path:  Benefits > Reports > Benefits Reports > End of Eligibility Listing

Generating the End of Eligibility Listing

  1. Select Benefits > Reports > Benefits Reports > End of Eligibility Listing to display the End of Eligibility Listing page.

  2. In the Report Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to include.

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is prtend.rpt.




Employee Number

Employee ID numbers. You can enter an individual ID or use query symbols to identify multiple employees.

  • To select multiple employees, separate IDs with the pipe symbol; for example, 112233|123456|135791.

  • To select a range of ID numbers, use a colon between the lowest and highest numbers, for example, 100000:120000.

  • To access all employees, leave the field blank.


Codes identifying benefits, as defined in the Benefit Codes table.

  • To select multiple codes, separate the codes with the pipe symbol, for example, 1270|2630|4590.

  • To select codes that share the same first characters, use the asterisk symbol. For example, 35* selects all codes that begin with 35.

  • To access all benefits, leave this field blank.

Dependent SSN

Social Security numbers of employees' dependents. Be sure to include the dashes.

If a benefit is not for a dependent, then the system uses the Social Security number of the employee. This field is only available for users with the proper security.

  • To enter multiple numbers, insert the pipe symbol between each, for example, 159-92-4505|204-56-7882|186-92-4022

  • To access records regardless of Social Security number, leave the field blank.

Stop Date

Date on which COBRA eligibility expires for the employees/dependents selected. The system selects benefit records containing stop dates that match or precede the date you enter.

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