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Export Course Data to Excel

The Continuing Education page provides the ability to export course information to an Excel spreadsheet. You can export data for a single course or group of courses, a single employee or group of employees, depending on what you enter in the Search Criteria.

Menu Path

There are two options to access the Continuing Education page.

  • To display records for all employees: From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Employee menu, select Continuing Education.

  • To display records for a specific employee: From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Employee menu, select Employee Information. Search for and select an employee record. Select Personnel Information, then select Continuing Education

From the Continuing Education page Action Bar, perform a search, then select Export.

Export Course Data

On the Continuing Education page, click Export on the Action Bar. A processing window appears, and the course data downloads into an Excel spreadsheet in your browser Downloads folder.

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