Future Pay Rates
23.10 and later
Use the Future Pay Rates feature to maintain pay rate information that needs to be applied at a future time. Enter and maintain pay rates for future use without impacting current payroll. For example, set up pay rates for the first pay run of a new fiscal or school year. By storing this information to post on a later date, you do not need to make all of the updates in the compressed time between the last pay run on one rate and the first pay run on a new rate.
This feature provides a staging area for future pay rates where you can check for accuracy and make adjustments. Changes are only applied after you post them to current employee pay rate records.
Perform the post process after the last pay run using the old rate and before the first pay run to be calculated with the new rate.
Posted pay rates overwrite current pay rates and are applied immediately to the next pay run. The Effective Date is used to select records to post and is removed from the pay rate in the post process. Do not post future pay rates before they should apply to payroll.
Load current pay rate information into future-dedicated pages where you can review and make edits until the future pay rates are posted to current.
Manually add future pay rate records to be posted at a later date.
The system validates and calculates future pay rates the same as current pay rates.
Enter an effective date to target when the future pay rates should be posted. The effective date should be in the range of dates between the final pay run at the current pay rate and the first pay run that should apply the new pay rate.
Delete future pay rates if they are no longer needed and will not be posted, or to refresh the load process if current pay rates have been changed.
Automatically increase the step on future scheduled pay rates before they are posted.
Apply flat amount or percent increases by job class for non-scheduled pay rates before they are posted.
Calculate new year salaries before they are posted.
When you make changes to current pay rates, the system checks for future pay rate records for the same employee and job class.
If a future pay rate was loaded from the current pay rate and no edits have been made, the change to the current pay rate is automatically applied to the future pay rate for the same employee and job class. A message informs you that the change updates the future pay rate.
If a future pay rate loaded from the current pay rate was already edited, you are alerted that changes to the current pay rate must be manually applied to the future pay rate for the same employee and job class.
Job Classes and Additional Duty Codes have Future Changes reference tables to enter records that are needed in future pay runs.
Post future pay rates to replace current pay rates or add new pay rates.
Process future pay rates
Optimize the use of the future pay rates option with the following suggestions. Additional details are provided on dedicated help pages.
Create new calendars for the future fiscal or school year.
Create new salary schedules for the future fiscal or school year.
Create future job class records.
Optionally, create future Additional Duty records for the future fiscal or school year.
Make sure that ledgers have been created for the next fiscal year.
Create future pay rate records using one or more of the following methods:
Load the current pay rates into the future pay rates staging area.
Use the Employee Pay Rates page search criteria to identify a group of employees that need future pay rates.
Enter an effective date that targets the range of dates between the last pay run at the current rate and the start date for the new pay rate. This indicates when the loaded pay rates should be posted to current.
Enter a control number to identify a batch of records with common information that can be posted together. You may include your initials, a projected post date, or an abbreviation for a group of employees. The control number should be meaningful and can be used to select records to update pay rate calculations and to post the future pay rates.
Identify pay rates that have previously been loaded to the future staging area. Determine if you want to skip loading them or replace the existing future pay rate record.
Manually add future pay rate records.
Use the Import Tool to import future pay rate information from a file.
Perform a search on the Future Pay Rates page and generate a baseline file before any changes are made.
If needed, manually make changes to the future pay rates. You can change individual pay or charging distribution information.
For bulk changes, use the Update Future Pay Rates page to calculate updates for both scheduled and non-scheduled salaries. Use search criteria to identify the groups of employees.
Generate a file of the updated future pay rate records to review and confirm before they are posted.
Post future job classes and additional duty codes into current tables.
On a date between the final pay run using the current pay rates and the first pay run that should apply the new pay rates, post the future pay rates. When they are posted, future pay rates become current pay rates and will be applied in the next subsequent pay run that includes impacted employees.