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Future Tax Table Options

Use options on the Future Changes menu to change the following tax tables and post your changes on the date you want them to take effect:

Federal Tax Table

State Tax Table

FICA Tax Table

Local Tax Table

All of these options use the standard procedures outlined Future Changes Procedures.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Reference Tables > Future Changes, and then select an option to display the record center for the desired table.

Posting Tax Records

The Future Changes tax options save the past year's table records, in case you need to look up tax brackets and rates. When you post a new tax record, the record it replaces is transferred to a batch file. The record is identified by a blank control number and an effective date of 12/31/9999, in addition to the usual identification data.

For example, if you set up a 2018 Federal Tax record and post it to the batch file, the corresponding record from 2017 replaces the one from 2016. The system assigns a blank control number to the 2017 record and sets 12/31/9999 as its effective date.

In these instances, the system uses the year 9999 to avoid a conflict with the dates of records that are being held for posting. The transferred records remain in the batch file until you perform another post to the same tax table.

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