Highly Qualified Teachers: Position Control
Position Control provides several pages for linking Highly Qualified Teacher requirements to positions. This topic provides information on accessing these pages, as well as the procedures to follow for updating Highly Qualified Teacher records in Position Control.
Action Buttons
The following pages can be displayed using the action buttons displayed on Position Control's Edit Position and Batch Position Edit pages. The pages also display in the order shown after you add a position in the New Position page.
Action Button | Page | Description |
Qualifications | Link Qualified Area to Position | Links Qualification codes from the Qualification Code table to positions. |
Certifications | Certification Code Setup | Links codes from the Certification Type and Certification Area tables to positions. |
Requirements | Link Requirement to Position | Links codes from the Requirement Code table to positions. |
Degrees | Degree Linking Selection | The page provides a wizard that displays the following pages: General Degree Linking - links degree levels to subject types. Degree Linking - links degree types to subjects. The Degrees button is not available on the Batch Position Edit page. |
You can update Qualifications, Certifications, and Requirements for multiple positions using Action Bar items on Position Control's Mass Update Positions page. For information, refer to Mass Update Positions Page.
Linking Highly Qualified Teacher requirements in the Edit Position page
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Position Control to display the Position Control page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
In the List section, select the record you want to update, and then click OK.
In the Edit Position page, update the fields in the Position, FTE, Salary, and Financial sections as needed.
To update the position's Highly Qualified Teacher records, click the Action buttons to display the pages listed above.
Click OK to save the record.
Linking Highly Qualified Teacher requirements in the New Position page
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Position Control to display the Position Control page.
Click Add New.
Complete the fields in the Position, FTE, and Salary sections as needed. For field descriptions, refer to New Position Page.
In the Financial section, click OK when you complete your entries in the project-related fields. If you do not use project accounting, click OK when you reach the first Project field.
The pages listed above display in the order shown. Click OK to complete each page.
Note that the Degree Link Selection page uses a wizard to access the General Degree Linking and Degree Linking page.Click Finish in the Degree Linking page to save the position.
The position is also saved by clicking Cancel in either the Degree Linking Selection or General Degree Linking page.