Hire Process Email Setup
Use this option to designate the email templates sent to applicants, hiring mangers, references, previous employers, and Human Resources staff throughout the hiring process. Applicants can receive emails when a job posting that they have applied for has been filled. Email notifications can be sent to hiring managers and Human Resources staff when an interview needs to be scheduled, an applicant has accepted an offer or changed the official start date, and when a checklist has been rejected or completed.
The templates available on this page are defined on the Email Template Setup page of the Recruitment System Configuration. When configuring this page, click the Save button at the bottom of the page to save the configuration.
Menu Path
From the System Administration menu, select Administration. From the Recruitment System Configuration menu, select Hire Process Email Setup.
Fields and Descriptions
Applicant Selection Section
Field | Description |
Send Email When Applicant Selected for Interview | Checkbox indicating whether an email is sent when an applicant is selected for an interview by the hiring manager. If selected, select an email template in the associated Email Template field. |
Email Template When Recommend to Hire | The email template to be sent when an applicant is chosen for a position by the hiring manager, who selects the Submit Recommendation option from the Applicant Review page to notify the appropriate staff that the applicant accepted the position, an official start date has be determined, and that the applicant is recommended for hire. |
Send Email When Saving Offer Accepted Date | Checkbox indicating whether an email is sent when the hiring manager saves the offer accepted date for an applicant. If selected, select an email template in the associated Email Template field. |
Send Email When Saving Official Start Date | Checkbox indicating whether an email is sent when the hiring manager saves the official start date for an applicant. If selected, select an email template in the associated Email Template field. |
Pre-Employment Checklist Section
Field | Description |
Send Notifications Upon Pre-Employment Verification Result | Checkbox indicating whether an email is sent based on verifications. If selected, the following fields are available: |
Checklist Complete | Checkbox indicating whether an email is sent when the pre-employment checklist is marked as completed. If selected, select an email template in the associated Email Template field. |
Reject | Checkbox indicating whether an email is sent when the pre-employment checklist verifications are rejected. If selected, select an email template in the associated Email Template field. |
Employment Checklist Section
Field | Description |
Send Notifications Upon Employment Checklist Result | Checkbox indicating whether an email is sent based on employment verifications. If selected, the following field is available: |
Checklist Complete | Checkbox indicating whether an email is sent when the employment checklist is marked as completed. If selected, select an email template in the associated Email Template field. |
Hire Information Section
Field | Description |
Send Email to Dispositioned Applicants | Checkbox indicating whether an email is sent to applicants who have not been hired for a position and have been dispositioned. If selected, select an email template in the associated Email Template field. |
Send Email to Non-Disposition Applicants | Checkbox indicating whether an email is sent to applicants who have not been hired for a position and were not dispositioned. If selected, select an email template in the associated Email Template field. |
Application Emails Section
Field | Description |
eReferences Email Template | The email template that is sent to the references an applicant has entered with email addresses on an application in response to a question defined with a response type of Reference. When an email address is entered in this field, you will be required to set up the eReference questionnaire for each position type associated with a question defined with a Response Type of References. If you do not set up the eReference questionnaire for a position type, you will not be able to submit a job posting for that position type. This email is sent when an applicant submits an application. |
eEmployment Email Template | The email template that is sent to previous employers an applicant has entered with email addresses on an application in response to a question defined with a response type of Work History. When an email address is entered in this field, be sure to set up the eEmployment questionnaire for each position type associated with a question defined with a Response Type of Work History. This email is sent when a Human Resources staff member chooses to send it on a Pre-Employment or Employment checklist task designated as an eEmployment task. |