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Hiring Manager View Setup

Use this option to configure what a hiring manager can view, access, and perform within Recruitment.

Menu Path

From the System Administration menu, select Administration. From the Recruitment System Configuration menu, select Employment Checklist Setup.

Fields and Descriptions

Posting Requisition Overview Section

Job postings defined as Pooled Positions will have the View Pool icon available regardless of these settings.



Require Posting to Close Before Enabling Drill Down to Applicants

Checkbox indicating when a hiring manager can view applicants that have applied for a job posting through View Pool in the Posting Requisition Overview option.

If the checkbox is selected, the following is available:

Number of Days After Posting Closes Before Enabling Drill Down to Applicants

Number of days after a posting closes that the View Pool icon will not be available for hiring managers to allow Human Resources staff to review the applicants and eliminate any that do not qualify for the job posting.

Posting Review Section



Show Email

Checkbox indicating whether the Email button will display in the upper right corner of the Posting Review page. This button allows the hiring manager to communicate with applicants. The Posting Review page is displayed by clicking the icon in the Posting Requisition Overview page.

Show Applicant Rating

Checkbox indicating whether the Applicant Rating column will display on the Posting Review page and the hiring manager can rate an applicant on the Applicant Review page. These pages are accessed through View Pool in the Posting Requisition Overview option.

Track Internal Transfer

Checkbox indicating if employees who are applicants will be separated from other applicants based on the criteria selected in the following radio buttons:

  • Same Position Type: Sets employees who are applicants as Internal Transfers when the applicant has a job class that has the same Position Type as the job posting.

  • Same Bargaining Unit: Sets employees who are applicants as Internal Transfers when the applicant has the same bargaining unit or a job class with the same bargaining unit that is associated with the job class on the job posting.

Recommendation for Hire Section



Show Recommendation for Hire

Checkbox indicating if the hiring manager will be able to recommend an applicant for hire on the Applicant Review page accessed through View Pool in the Posting Requisition Overview option. If selected, select an email template in the associated Email Template field.

Dispositioning Section



Allow Disposition from Posting Review

Checkbox indicating if the hiring manager will be able to disposition an applicant on the Posting Review page.

Allow Disposition from Applicant Review

Checkbox indicating if the hiring manager will be able to disposition an applicant on the Applicant Review page.

Require Dispositioning Before Recommendation for Hire

Checkbox indicating if the hiring manager or Human Resources staff members will be required to disposition non-selected applicants prior to recommending an applicant for hire.

Disposition Requirements

Checkbox indicating your organization's dispositioning requirements. These are only required if it is the final position available for a job posting and the Require Dispositioning Before Recommendation for Hire checkbox is selected. If selected, choose one of the following:

  • Internal Transfers Require Disposition: All applicants that are internal transfers for a job posting based on your selections for tracking internal transfers must be dispositioned before an applicant can be recommended for hire.

  • All Internal Applicants Require Disposition: All applicants that are already employees in your organization must be dispositioned before an applicant can be recommended for hire.

  • All Applicants Require Disposition: All applicants, internal or external, not selected for the job posting must be dispositioned before an applicant can be recommended for hire.

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