Manual Checks
Use this option to enter time-cards and issue manual pay checks to selected employees. The Manual Checks option calculates the pay, taxes, and deductions/benefits, as in a regular pay run. It also generates the Manual Check Journal as a record of the checks you generate.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Payroll > Manual Checks
Conditions for Processing Manual Checks
Following are a some conditions to keep in mind about processing manual checks:
You can associate checks with the default pay run, identify another existing pay run, or set up a new pay run. If you accept the default, you may change the Run Description, Period Start Date and Period End Date fields, as needed. The changes only apply to the current check, not the pay run itself.
You can enter the employee's time and pay rates as you would on a time-card in a regular pay run. This includes leave time.
You can issue a check for regular and special pay but not for advanced pay.
In processing a manual check, the system determines whether the employee has already been paid in advance for the job class and pay period entered. If so, the system displays a warning but allows you to issue the check.
You can print manual checks using the Print item in the Manual Checks - Pay Run or Manual Checks - Time-card page.
If you manually type a check, be sure to verify that the check amount matches the net pay calculated by the system.
After entering a check, you should post it using the Fund Accounting > Periodic Routines > Periodic Processing > Automated Payroll Interface option.
Manual checks with characters in their check numbers cannot be printed. You can only use integers in check numbers.
If an employee has child support garnishment, only one manual check can be processed per pay run.