Non-Scheduled Employee Pay Rates
The Non-Scheduled Salaries option enables you to enter increases and decreases for job classes that use Pay Rate records rather than salary schedules to determine employees' hourly rates and annual salaries. Before using the option's page to add, change, and delete increase records, you should review existing rates for non-scheduled employees.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Salary Negotiations > Non-Scheduled Salaries
Verifying Pay Methods and Rates
Before creating increase records, you should review Job Class table records and employee pay rates in Human Resources to identify the pay methods assigned and determine the increases you need to enter. After applying the increases, you should check the pay rates again to verify their effects.
Verifying the Default Pay Methods in Job Classes
With the Non-Scheduled Salaries option, increase records can only be created for job classes that have the following pay methods:
H - Hourly
D - Daily
P - Per Period
Increases cannot be entered for salary schedule pay methods, S - Range/Step Rate and R - Range/Step Pay Period.
You can determine the pay methods used in job classes by running the Job Class Table report. The pay methods for each class in the Job Class table can be found in the report's second to last column.
Running the Job Class Table report
- Select Human Resources > Reference Tables > Payroll > Job Classes to display the Job Class page.
- In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the job classes to list, and then click Find.
- Click Print.
- In the Selection dialog, click Defaults.
- In the Print window, enter your report settings, and then click OK to generate the report. The report's default file name is class.rpt.
Verifying the Pay Methods and Rates in Employee Records
The Payroll Information report in Human Resources provides comprehensive payroll and personnel data on the employees selected. This includes employees' pay rates and annual salaries, as well as related payroll information such as the job classes and pay methods assigned.
The report devotes two pages to each employee. The pay rate and salary information is listed at the top of the first page, while the job class and pay method can be found in the Payroll Information section at the top of the second page.
Running the Payroll Information report to verify pay methods and rates
- Select Human Resources > Reports > Payroll > Employee Payroll Data to display the Employee Payroll Data page.
- In the Employee Payroll Data page, click OK to accept the default sort method, and then click Advanced.
In the Advanced Search page, enter the following criteria to limit the report to non-scheduled employees:
Employee Pay Rate Information
Pay Method
Is In (Comma Delimited)
This criteria selects employees with Hourly, Daily, and Per Period pay methods and excludes employees whose pay rates use salary schedules.
- Click OK to list the employee pay rates that match your criteria.
- Click Print.
- In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is
- Review the pay rates listed in the report.
Accessing employees' Pay Rate records
- Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee > Employee Pay Rates to display the Pay Rate Information search page.
- In the Search Criteria section, click Advanced.
In the Advanced Search page, enter the following criteria in the Advanced Search Criteria section:
Employee Pay Rate Information
Pay Method
Is In (Comma Delimited)
These entries select all pay rates for non-scheduled employees, while excluding employees who are on salary schedules.
- Click OK to list the rates that match your criteria and return to the Pay Rate Information search page.
- In the List section, select a rate, and then click OK.
- In the Pay Rate Information detail page, clear the Continuous checkbox, and then review the employee's rate data.
- If you leave the rate unchanged, click Back to return to the List section.
If you make any changes, click OK as many times as needed until the Enter Effective Date window displays, and then click OK to save the rate and return to the List section. - To review another rate, repeat Steps 5-7.