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Online Menu Options

Use this option to configure the menu that will be displayed to applicants on the Recruitment Portal.

  • Each section heading in the Online Menu Options page has a Label field for entering an alternate title for the section on the Portal menu. If you leave the field blank, the heading will be used as the section's title.

  • Each option listed has a checkbox. If the box is selected for an option, the option will display on the left-hand menu for the applicant. If the box is not selected, the option will not appear.

  • Each option also has a Label field, where you can enter an alternate title for the option. Values entered in the Label field will then appear as the menu option for the applicant. If a field is left blank, the applicant will see the default name of the option.

Menu Path

From the System Administration menu, select Administration. From the Recruitment Portal Configuration menu, select Online Menu Options.

Configure the Recruitment Portal Menu

  1. On the Online Menu Options page, in the Navigation sections (Not Logged In and Logged In), select the checkboxes for the menu options you want to include.

  2. Enter labels in the Label fields to customize the titles for certain menu sections and options.
    Leave the Label fields blank for sections and options where you want to use the default titles, as displayed next to the checkboxes.

  3. Click Save.

Fields and Descriptions

Navigation Options - Not Logged In

In this section, select the checkbox next to the options your organization wants to display on the menu for applicants who have not logged into the Recruitment Portal.

In the Label fields, enter alternate titles for sections and options, or leave fields blank where you want to use the defaults. The limit is 25 characters.

Show View Postings

The View Postings menu section enables applicants to access all job postings offered by your organization.



New Postings

This item displays the most recent postings, sorted by Posting ID, based on settings in the New Posting List section in the Online Presentation & Options page.

By Title

This item displays all open postings sorted alphabetically by Title by default.

By Position Type

This item displays all open postings grouped by Position Type and then by Title.

By Location

This item displays all open postings grouped by Location and then by Title.

Show Apply

The Apply menu section contains the option for displaying the Document Links page.



Document Links

This item displays a list of the instructions and documents that are configured in the Documents Configuration page.

Show User Support

The User Support menu section includes options for displaying the Help, Privacy, and Welcome pages.




This item displays a Help page with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) and their answers, as defined in the Help Configuration page.

Privacy Statement

This item displays the privacy statement defined in the Privacy Statement page.


This item displays a welcome page defined in the Welcome Page Setup page.

Navigation Options - Logged In

In this section, select the checkbox next to the options your organization wants to display on the menu for applicants who are logged into the Recruitment Portal.

In the Label fields, enter alternate titles for sections and options, or leave fields blank where you want to use the defaults. Character/25

Show View Postings

The View Postings menu section enables applicants to access all job postings offered by your organization.



New Postings

This item displays the most recent postings, sorted by Posting ID by default, based on your settings in the New Posting List Section in the Online Presentation & Options page.

By Title

This item displays all open postings sorted alphabetically by Title by default.

By Position Type

This item displays all open postings grouped by Position Type and then by Title.

By Location

This item displays all open postings grouped by Location and then by Title.

Show Apply

The Apply menu section includes options for displaying applicant information, as well as an option for displaying the Document Links page.




This item displays the applicant's base demographic information as collected during the registration process for external applicants or through employee information for internal applicants.

To Complete

This item displays required questions that have not been completed on any application, as well as on applications that have not been submitted. Incomplete items will display as links that can be clicked to access the questions on the associated applications.


This item displays selection criteria for an applicant to configure regarding notifications about new job postings.

Document Links

This item displays the instructions and documents configured in the Documents Configuration page.

Show User Support

The User Support menu section includes options for displaying the Portal's Help, Privacy, and Welcome pages.




This item displays a Help page with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) and their answers, as defined in the Help Configuration page.

Privacy Statement

This item displays the privacy statement defined in the Privacy Statement page.


This item displays a welcome page defined in the Welcome Page Setup page.

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