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Pay Code Table

You must set up pay code records for each type of pay issued. Examples of these types include regular and contracted salaries, daily and hourly wages, overtime, and special pay. Pay codes should also be set up for each leave type employees receive, such as sick leave, vacation pay, and leave without pay.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Reference Tables. From the Payroll menu, select Pay Codes.

Action Button

20.11 and earlier. Navigation to Time Entry is not available beginning with version 22.4.

If your site uses Time Entry, the Department Links button displays in the Other Payroll Factors section of the Payroll tab. Select Department Links to display the Department Linking page, which is used to link departments to the current pay code. This function only applies if your site uses Time Entry.

Linking Pay Codes with Leave Codes

A pay code for a leave type should be linked to the appropriate leave bank so the system can apply leave time earned and taken when payroll is processed. When the system processes a pay code linked to a leave code, leave time is subtracted from the employee's balance based on the Subtract from Leave Code field in the pay code record. The first digit in the leave code you enter identifies the bank to use. For example, if you are setting up a pay code for vacation, and vacation codes are in the 300-399 range, you can use any valid code from this range.

If compensatory time can be earned and taken, separate pay codes must be established to add or subtract the time. A code for the compensatory time earned adds time to the leave bank by multiplying the Add Factor times the number of timecard units worked in a pay period. A code for the time taken subtracts time from the leave bank based on the number of timecard units entered for the pay code.

Pay Code Table Report

The Pay Code Table report includes information on each Pay Code record displayed in the Search Criteria list section. The last page provides a Time Entry Pay Codes report showing which pay codes are used in Time Entry, including the approval level assigned to each.

The default file name for the Pay Code Table report is paycodes.rpt. You may change the file name as needed.

If your account structure needs to be changed per the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), refer to the Human Resources and Payroll Every Student Succeeds Act Fiscal Year-End Checklist for details on updating Deduction, Pay Code, and Tax tables with new year information.

Field Descriptions

General Tab

The General tab contains the fields used to identify the pay code record. It also lets you define how a flat amount or a per-unit rate determines payments associated with the record.



Pay Code

The code identifying the Pay Code record and its pay category, such as regular salary, overtime, or bonus. The code may include any combination from 001 through 999.

The limit is three characters.

We recommend you use all three digits to structure your codes, enabling the system to sort your Pay Code records correctly. For example, enter 001 as the code for the first record and not simply 1.

Pay codes for leave without pay (LWOP) must begin with 09. The codes 090 through 098 are reserved for user-defined LWOP codes. Code 099 is reserved for system-generated LWOP. For example, excess leave usage automatically charges the leave to pay code 099. Even though the code is reserved, you still must add pay code 099 to define its parameters. For more information, refer to Leave Table.


A detailed description of the Pay Code record for reports and data entry pages, for example, REGULAR PAY or CONTRACT PAY.

The limit is 25 characters.

Check Title

The title to print on paycheck stubs. For example, you could use REG. PAY or CONTRACTPAY as the check title.

The limit is ten characters.

Pay Type

The code identifying how pay is issued for this pay code, whether based on a per-unit rate or a flat amount.

This setting needs to be compatible with the Pay Method in the job classes you intend to associate with this Pay Code record. For more information, refer to Pay Code Table#Pay Types and Compatible Pay Methods.

A pay code needs a D - Daily or H - Hourly pay type to be used in an amount-based retroactive time load. Use pay codes with any Pay Type setting for a percentage-based retroactive time load.


  • D - Daily - Enables pay to be calculated at a daily rate entered in an employee Pay Rate record.

  • H - Hourly - Allows regular pay to be calculated based on the hours entered on timecards multiplied by the rate defined in an employee Pay Rate record. Pay codes for calculating FLSA overtime must use an hourly pay type. For more information, refer to the descriptions for the FLSA Overtime and FLSA Calculation Type fields.

  • P - Per Period Rate - Applies if the pay is for a defined period, such as weekly or biweekly. Salaried employees are usually paid at a period rate.

  • U - Per Unit Rate - Bases pay on the units (other than days or hours) entered on timecards. For example, a referee in a school district might receive $75 per game, or a part-time housing inspector in a municipality, $50 per inspection. Pay in such cases would be determined by the number of units worked, that is, the number of games or inspections.
    You also can use this pay type for a pay code referencing extended leave. In this case, you will need to define the appropriate leave code in the Payroll tab Leave to Subtract Time from field.

  • S - Special Amount - This applies to employees who are paid a set amount at specific times during the year. For example, if you need to pay athletic coaches or auxiliary police at certain times of the year, this pay type allows you to include the amounts in payroll processing. This differs from Per Unit Rate because the Special Amount pay type assumes the pay code is associated with a flat amount the employee is paid whenever the pay code is included in a pay run.
    Enter a Special Pay Frequency accessed on the Pay Codes page's Payroll tab for records with the Special Amount pay type.

  • A - Timecard Amount - You can enter a pay amount on the timecard.


The per-unit pay amount or percentage for determining an employee's gross pay when this pay code is used in payroll processing. The type of data you enter depends on the pay code's Pay Type setting. Enter amounts in dollars and cents and rates in decimal format (50% = 0.5).

The limit is eight total numeric characters plus a decimal, with up to four digits before and up to four digits following the decimal.

Follow these guidelines for the Rate field. If the Pay Type is:

  • Hourly, enter a factor to multiply by the employee's hours worked. This factor accommodates overtime, shift differential percentage premiums, and leave-without-pay accounting. For example, for overtime at time-and-a-half, enter 1.5. To enter a shift differential premium, remember to make your entry in decimal format. For instance, to add a 5 percent shift premium, enter 1.05.

  • Daily or Per Unit Rate, enter the amount paid per timecard unit.

  • Special Amount or Timecard Amount, enter 0 (zero). The Pay Code record Rate field is ignored.


The expenditure account used by the system for distributing salary charges posted to Fund Accounting. When the salary is distributed, the account from the Pay Code table overrides the account from the default distribution in the employee Pay Rate Information page. Leave the field blank if you want to use the account distribution from the employee Pay Rate record associated with this pay code.

Pay Types and Compatible Pay Methods

The following table lists the pay type and compatible pay methods.

Pay Type

Compatible Pay Methods

Hourly, Daily, and Per Unit Rate

Hourly, Daily, and Range/Step Rate

Per Period Rate

Pay Period and Range/Step Pay Per

Timecard Amount and Special Amount

None Required

Taxes Tab

Use the Taxes tab to determine the taxes the pay code is subject to.

Subject to FICA Or Medicare Section




Indicates whether the employee's pay is subject to FICA (Social Security), Medicare, or both. In cases where employees hold similar positions but have different FICA/Medicare tax liabilities, you must define separate pay codes to reflect the individual tax circumstances.


  • F - Subject to FICA/Medicare: The pay code is subject to FICA and Medicare.

  • M - Medicare Only: The pay code is subject to Medicare taxes but not FICA.

  • P - From Primary Pay: The pay code is subject to FICA/Medicare based on the FICA field setting for the Pay Code record from the employee's primary pay rate.

  • N - Not Subject: The pay code is not subject to FICA or Medicare.

Exempt from Taxes Section



Federal Tax

A checkbox indicating whether the pay code is exempt from federal taxes. This setting affects payroll calculations and is reflected in year-end W2 reporting. Select the box if the pay code is exempt.

The entries in an employee's Pay Rate record override this setting. You can apply the pay code, and federal tax exemption setting to a group of employees and make exceptions for individuals if necessary.

State Tax

A checkbox indicating whether the pay code is exempt from state tax assessment. Select the box if the pay code is exempt. This setting affects payroll calculations.

The entries in an employee's Pay Rate record override this setting. You can apply the pay code and state tax exemption setting to a group of employees and make exceptions for individuals if necessary.

Local Tax

A checkbox indicating whether the pay code is exempt from local tax assessment. Select the box if the pay code is exempt. This setting affects payroll calculations.

The entries in an employee's Pay Rate record override this setting. You can apply the pay code, and its local tax exemption setting to a group of employees and make exceptions for individuals if necessary.

Deductions Tab

Use the Deductions tab to enter all deduction codes the system must not assess against gross wages determined by this pay code.



Exempt Deductions

Eighteen fields for entering deduction codes that are to be excluded in calculating deductions from the gross wages determined by this pay code. For example, if only base wages are used to calculate pension benefits, then you should enter the deduction code for pension benefits for all pay codes not associated with employees' base wages.

Only deductions that use percentage rate deduction methods can be exempted since an employee's base wages do not determine amount-based rates. Therefore, you should only select deductions with one of the following Deduction Method field settings:

  • Table %

  • Employee %

  • % Plus Additional Amount

  • Crossover

  • Incremental Crossover %

The system does not check if the deductions are based on percentages; however, entering an amount deduction or a deduction fully paid by the employer does not affect your records.

If you need to exempt more than eighteen deductions for a pay code, click the Additional Exemptions button, and enter the exemptions on the Additional Exemptions page.

Payroll Tab

The Payroll tab includes fields related to leave accrual and charging, payroll timecards and Time Entry, and other payroll and personnel settings, such as calculating FLSA overtime and encumbering salary amounts.

Leave Time Factors Section



Leave to Add Time to

The leave code used to track earned leave. If the pay code is entered on an employee's timecard, the leave bank is automatically updated with the time earned upon payroll calculation, for example, when tracking compensatory time earned.

The first digit in the three-digit code identifies the leave bank. The system uses this digit to cross-reference with the specific code on an employee's Leave Bank tab.

Add Factor

Factor from 0.00 to 9.99 for calculating leave time earned based on timecard hours (Time card Hours x Add Factor = Compensatory Leave Time). To enter a factor, you must enter a code in the Leave to Add Time to field.

For example, if an employee receives a one-half hour of compensatory leave for each timecard hour, enter 0.5 in the Add Factor field. If leave is accrued on a time-and-a-half basis per timecard hour, enter 1.5.

Leave to Subtract Time from

The code to use in timecards or attendance entries to identify the leave bank for subtracting leave time. The code's first digit identifies the leave bank.

You cannot use this field if a code is entered in the Leave to Add Time to field. If needed, you should set up separate codes for adding and subtracting time from a leave bank.

Notify for Extended Leave

A checkbox used for the Consecutive Leave Notification. If this box is selected and the Consecutive Leave for Employee Notification is turned on, the selected pay code will be included in the notification.

Other Payroll Factors Section



Pay Time Type

The selection defining how the pay code is used to enter and process an employee's time worked. You can designate the pay code as regular, overtime, leave without pay, extended leave, compensatory, allowance, or non-cash.


  • A - Allowance: Allows reporting allowances on W2s for uniforms and similar reimbursed expenses.

  • C - Compensation Earned: Calculates compensatory leave time using the following equation: Compensatory Leave Time = Add Factor x Time card Hours. This method requires a code in the Leave to Add Time to field.

  • E - Extended Leave: Allows extended leave for time reported under a pay code with a Per Unit Rate pay type. You can use this setting to account for employee pay during an extended leave of absence. Make sure to define a leave bank in the Payroll tab Leave to Subtract Time from field.

  • L - Leave Without Pay: Allows you to dock the employee's pay. Use this setting for leave code 099 and any other leave-without-pay code. Remember, 099 is used for system-generated leave-without-pay.

  • N - Non-Cash: Provides for W-2 reporting of non-cash payments, such as lunches for cafeteria workers.

  • O - Overtime: Indicates overtime wages are maintained separately in employee records and are listed separately in certain payroll reports.

  • R - Regular Pay: Allows benefits to accrue for all regular pay codes, such as regular pay, authorized leave, and holidays.

Special Pay Frequency

The user-defined code categorizing how often a special pay is to be paid, for example, M for monthly or A for annually. These codes are entered in the third Payroll Setup window to identify the special pays to include in payroll processing.

The limit is one character.

This field only applies to pay codes with a pay type of Special Amount. Otherwise, leave the field blank. For related information, refer to Special Pays Section.

Subject to Workers' Comp

A checkbox indicating whether earnings under this pay code are subject to Workers' Compensation premium calculations. Select the box if Workers' Comp applies.

Refer to Workers' Compensation Table for additional information on Workers' Compensation.

Encumber Salaries

A checkbox determining if the gross earnings under this pay code are to be encumbered in the Fund Accounting System. Select the box to encumber the earnings.

The account used for the encumbrance is identified in the employee Pay Rate record. Encumbrances are recalculated by running the Payroll Encumbrance option during payroll processing.

Track Position Salaries

A checkbox indicating if a position's gross earnings under this pay code should be tracked in Position Control. Select the box to enable tracking.

During payroll calculations, the system examines salary records for pay rates with active positions. If the job class in a pay rate has active positions assigned and the Track Position Salary field in the class's pay code is selected, the rate's earnings are added to the Actual Salary field in the Position record.

FLSA Overtime

A checkbox determining if this pay code should be used as the default pay code for calculating Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime. Select the box to designate this as the default FLSA pay code.

Only one pay code can be specified as the FLSA default. Once a pay code is set up for this purpose, you cannot select the field for other pay codes. Also, remember that the FLSA pay code must have a Pay Type setting of Hourly.

For more information on FLSA overtime, refer to Entering FLSA Overtime.

FLSA Calculation Type

Determines how FLSA overtime pay should be calculated.


  • A - Amount Only: Uses the amount paid to calculate FLSA overtime. For example, if a shift differential is paid, the differential amount is included in FLSA calculations, but the hours are not.

  • H - Hours Only: Uses hours to calculate FLSA, but not an amount.

  • B - Both: Uses both hours and amounts in calculations. In most cases, you should use this selection because it covers how overtime can be calculated: amount, hours, or a combination of the two.

  • D - Dormant: This applies to special pay that is always included in the rate the system calculates for FLSA overtime. You must set up the pay code for the employee in an active pay rate, but it does not have to be loaded or entered in timecards. The system divides the annual salary by the number of FLSA cycles per year, which is added to the eligible amount for each FLSA cycle.

  • N - No (default): Excludes the pay code from FLSA calculations.

Your selection depends on the Pay Code record settings in the Pay Type and FLSA Overtime fields:

  • If the FLSA Overtime checkbox is selected:
    You must select N - No in the FLSA Calculation Type field, and the pay code must have an Hourly pay type. In this case, the pay code is reserved for FLSA overtime and cannot be entered on timecards.

  • If the FLSA Overtime checkbox is not selected:
    Refer to Pay Code Table#FLSA Calculation Type and Compatible Pay Types for more information about the FLSA Calculation Types that can be used with different pay types when the checkbox is blank.

Exclude from Retro Pays

A checkbox determining whether the pay code should be excluded from retroactive pay calculations. Select the box to exclude the pay code.

Retroactive pay can be issued as an amount to employees for pay codes using either an hourly or daily pay type. Percentage-based retroactive pay can be issued for pay codes with any pay type setting.

Time Entry Allowed

Determines how the pay code relates to Time Entry. Specifically, this field lets you define the following Time Entry parameters for the pay code:

  • Whether you can use the pay code in association with Time Entry. A pay code can only be used in Time Entry if it has a pay type of Daily, Hourly, or Per Unit Rate.

  • Whether the pay code should appear in Time Entry based on an employee Pay Rate record or if it should be available for all employees through the Add Other Time button on the Time Entry page.

  • Whether the pay code is eligible for association with Leave records via the Leave Table Pay Codes button.


  • N - Not Time Entry: Prevents the pay code from being used in Time Entry. You can still use it when entering timecards during payroll processing.

  • Y - Assoc (Associated) Time Entry: Allows you to use the pay code in Time Entry in one of two ways:

    • In association with an employee Pay Rate record, the pay code would display by default on the employee Time Entry page.

    • In association with a Leave record, the employee would access the pay code through the Time Entry Add Other Time button. You must select Y - Assoc (Associated) Time Entry if you want employees to enter their leave time via Time Entry. For information on how to set up leave codes for use in Time Entry, refer to Time Entry's Leave Table.

  • O - Other Time Entry - Defines the pay code to be available for all employees via the Time Entry Add Other Time button.

To link departments to the pay code for use in Time Entry, click Department Links.

Approval Level

The approval level necessary before the time entered against this pay code can be processed in a pay run. You can select one of nine approval levels, 1 being the lowest and 9 the highest.

This field is required if the pay code is associated with Time Entry. Leave the field blank if the pay code is not associated with Time Entry.

For example, an approval level of 5 indicates that time must be approved by a department supervisor with at least level 5 security, as defined in the Employee Information page's Time Entry Info tab.

FLSA Calculation Type and Compatible Pay Types

The following table lists the FLSA calculation type and compatible pay types.

FLSA Calculation Type

Pay Types

Any, except D - Dormant


A - Amount Only, D - Dormant, or N - No

Per Period Rate

A - Amount Only or N - No

Daily, Per Unit Rate, or Time card amount

N - No

Special Pay

Dock Arrears Tracking

When an employee's pay is docked for an amount greater than their gross pay, the system tracks the balance owed and deducts it from future paychecks.

Setup - Pay Code Table

Create a Pay Code record that will be used to process employee dock arrears:

  • Do NOT use pay codes 090 through 099, as they are associated with docking an employee's pay.

  • Do NOT associate the pay code with any leave banks in the Leave Time Factors section on the Payroll tab.

Dock Arrears Pay Code field requirements:



Pay Type

A - Timecard Amount

Pay Time Type

R - Regular Pay

Setup - Human Resources Profile

On the Payroll Tab - Pay Run Processing Options sections, use the following information:



Number of Dock Arrears Pay Cycles

Enter a number to be used as the default number of pays over which a new dock arrears event will be collected. It can be changed on the employee's pay rate record if desired.

Dock Arrears Pay Code

Enter the pay code number used to process employee dock arrears.

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