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Pay Groups

23.10 and later.

Add, update, and delete pay groups for your organization. Pay groups are used to group employees and in payroll processing. Pages with a Pay Group field display a drop-down menu generated by the pay group reference table.

Pay groups are used on the following pages:

  • Pending Employee Center pay rate

  • Active employee record pay rate

  • Employee Pay Rates page

  • Pay Run Processing, Pay Run Setup, Step 2

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Reference Tables. From the Payroll menu, select Pay Groups.

Field Descriptions



Pay Group Code

A single number or letter code that identifies the pay group.

The limit is one character and special characters are not allowed. It must be a digit or a letter.

Pay Group Title

The title of the pay group. Enter a meaningful title, for example you may use pay group code B and title Biweekly, or pay group code M and title Monthly.

The limit is 25 characters.

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