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Pay Run Processing Page

The Pay Run Processing page provides two methods for processing a pay run:

  • The Add New item on the page's Action Bar activates the Payroll wizard, which leads you through the setup options. If you need to interrupt the process during setup or at any subsequent point, you can exit the wizard and return to the Pay Run Processing page. You can resume the process whenever you want by selecting the next option that needs to be completed.

  • You can select the payroll options individually using the Pay Run Processing page's Action buttons. When you complete an option, you have the choice of returning to the Pay Run Processing page or using the Payroll wizard to continue to the next option.

Either way, the system keeps track of the steps you complete by selecting the checkboxes next to the options' buttons.

You do not have to complete every option that appears in the Pay Run Processing page. For example, you cannot run the Direct Deposits option if no employees in your pay run use direct deposits. However, most options should be run and usually in the order in which they are listed.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Payroll menu, select Pay Run Processing.

Page Sections

The Pay Run Processing page includes the following sections:

Search Criteria

Enables you to enter criteria to search for an existing pay run. You can skip this section when starting a pay run. To launch the Payroll wizard for a new pay run, click Add New.

List (untitled)

Displays the results of a search. After entering your criteria in the Search Criteria section, click OK to display the pay runs that match. To access a pay run, select it in the list, and then click the desired button.

SetUp/ Timecards

Provides buttons for setting up a pay run and for loading and entering employee timecards. Also includes a button for running a pre-calculation of payroll data and generating a pre-calculation edit report.

Pay Calculation

Provides buttons for locking the Human Resources System, calculating employees' pay, and unlocking the system.

Direct Deposit /Checks

Provides buttons for processing direct deposits and printing pay checks.

Follow-Up Activities

Provides buttons for generating payroll reports, as well as for interfacing pay data and encumbering pay and benefits in the Fund Accounting System.

Pay Run Processing Options

Following are descriptions of the options accessed by the page's buttons:

SetUp/Timecards Section

Setup Pay Run

Defines payroll settings, including pay run number, pay groups, deductions, special pays, pay cycles, vendor payment frequencies, period start and end dates, and if you will be processing summer pay fiscal year accruals. This button launches the Payroll wizard.

Clear Balances

Clears month-to-date and quarter-to-date fields in the Earnings/Taxes and Deductions tabs of employees’ Employee Information pages. The option also accrues monthly leave.

Load Employee Time

Loads timecards for regular, summer, short pay period, retroactive pays, and batch pay.

Edit Employee Time

Allows creating timecards for additional employees and editing those loaded with the Load Employee Time option.

Employee Time Reports

Generates the Payroll Edit Reports, Time Activity Listing, Substitute Report, and Substitute Mailer Report. It also provides an option for printing timecard sheets, after you correct any errors reported in your timecard data.


Simulates pay calculations for either all employees with time entered, selected employees, or selected pay groups. The option also generates the Pre-Calculation Journal.

Pay Calculation Section

 Lock Human Resources

Locks the Human Resources System.

Pay Calculation

Calculates the payroll, clears timecard information, and updates employee records.

 Unlock Human Resources

Unlocks the Human Resources System.

Direct Deposit/Checks Section

Direct Deposit

Creates a file for direct deposits and allows you to enter posting and file creation dates for sending the file to the bank. Also generates the Direct Deposit report.

Print Checks

Generates employees’ pay checks and direct deposit vouchers.

Follow-Up Activities Section

Run All Activities

Completes the remaining options using the Payroll wizard. You can also run the options individually.

Check Register

Generates a register of regular, manual, and voided checks, depending on your selection. The register lists individual checks sorted by check number.

Payroll Journal

Reports all checks issued in the pay run with an itemization of each check.

Deduction Register

Generates the Deduction Register, Deduction Summary, and Deduction Register by Vendor reports.

Fund Accounting Interface

Creates batch files in the Automated Payroll Interface option for distributing payroll expenses to the Fund Accounting System and in the Batch Accounts Payable option, if you are creating Vendor Payments and Child Support Garnishment Payments from Payroll. Also updates the employee's Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accrual records if you selected the checkbox on the Pay Run Setup-Step 3 page to Process Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals.

Distribution Reports

Generates the Organization Charge Summary, Benefits Charge Summary, and Project Charge Summary.

Payroll Register

Displays all payroll financial transactions for Salary, Benefits and Deductions as debits and credits and provides visibility to the financial activity related to a payroll run. The report can be run for a payroll run or for getting details of an employee associated with a payroll run. The report can also display manual, void, and redistribution records based on the criteria chosen to run the report.

Payroll Encumbrance

Encumbers payroll expenditures in the Fund Accounting System.

Wizard Control Buttons

The following buttons appear in the Controls sections of most Payroll wizard pages:


Returns you to the previous page. If a procedure uses more than one page, you return to the first page in the series.


Displays the next page, either the next page for the current procedure or the first page for the next option.


Returns you to the Pay Run Processing page, usually without completing a particular step.

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