Paycheck Worksheet
Use the Paycheck Worksheet to calculate an employee's net pay. The page enables you to enter pay rates, deductions, taxes, special pays, and other data for simulating payroll processing factors.
- You can use the worksheet to find how a change would affect an employee's pay. For example, if a deduction changes, you can calculate the employee's new take-home pay would be.
- You also can use the worksheet to verify rate information and troubleshoot pay run problems.
Running the calculations has no effect on the employee's permanent records. As a result, you may repeat the simulation as many times as needed.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee > Employee Information > search for and select an employee > click OK to display the Employee Information detail page > select Actions on the Action Bar, and then click Paycheck Worksheet
Page Section and Tabs
Employee Section | Enables you to add, change, or delete pay rate information, including job classes, pay codes hours, rates, and tax methods. |
Deduction Frequencies Tab | Enables you to specify the user-defined deduction frequencies used in a pay run. |
Special Pay Frequencies Tab | Enables you to apply the user-defined frequencies for calculating special pays. Special pay frequency codes are stored in pay codes. Selecting the appropriate boxes in the worksheet defaults these pay codes to the Special Processing section of the worksheet's Taxes tab. |
Taxes Tab | The tab's Special Processing section enables you to enter pay codes that include special pays. Initially, the section defaults pays codes from the Special Pay Frequencies tab. In the Tax Data section you can modify the employee's tax filing data. |
Action Bar Items
The following items only display if you are using FLSA overtime. They are used to simulate a live payroll, not to update employee records. You may change any defaults that display in the pages indicated. For additional details, refer to Entering FLSA Overtime.
Set FLSA Carry Over | Displays a page for carrying over FLSA overtime to the next pay run.
FLSA Worksheet | Displays the FLSA Worksheet page, showing the calculated values for FLSA overtime. |
Calculate FLSA | Calculates Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime. |
When you open a tab in the Paycheck Worksheet page, the following item displays on the Action Bar:
Deductions | Displays the Payroll Deductions page for changing the employee's deduction information for simulation purposes. |
Determining an employee's net pay
- Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee > Employee Information to display the Employee Information search page.
- In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
- In the List section, select an employee, and then click OK to display the Employee Information detail page.
- Select Actions on the Action Bar, and then click Paycheck Worksheet to display the Paycheck Worksheet page.
The page's Employee section defaults the employee's primary and secondary pay rates. - In the Employee section, change the information shown to reflect the pay rates, hours, and tax methods you would use in a pay run.
- Click OK.
Use the following tabs to enter and change the employee's additional pay information.
Deduction Frequencies
Select the frequencies that apply. If you want to use all deductions that are assigned to the employee, click Check All select all of the checkboxes. You should only leave these fields blank if you do not want to use deductions in calculating the employee's pay.
Special Pay Frequencies
Select the frequencies that apply. If you do not want to use special pays in the calculations, leave these fields blank.
In the Special Processing section, enter pay codes that include special pay types, and then enter the pay amounts. You may skip this section if special pays do not apply.
In Tax Data section, change the employee's tax filing information as needed.
- To change the employee's deduction information, click Deductions while you are in one of the Paycheck Worksheet page's tabs. The Payroll Deductions page displays.
This page defaults the employee's assigned deductions. You may add, change, or delete deductions as needed. Click OK to return to the Paycheck Worksheet page. These modifications only apply to the simulation. - Click OK to run the simulation when you complete the Taxes tab.
The Simulated Results page displays, showing the results of the calculations. - Click OK to return to the Paycheck Worksheet page, and then click Back to close the page.