Payroll Check History
Use this option to generate a report on the pay checks stored in the Check History (checkhis) table. You can specify the types of checks to include: regular, manual, void, or all types. If a check was voided, its amount appears as a negative number.
Two different report formats are available, depending on the Concise and Summary radio buttons in the Check History Report page's Report Type section. In either case, the report data includes employees' gross and net pay, earnings and hours by pay code, deductions and taxes withheld, and employer-paid benefits. Report totals are also provided.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Reports. From the Payroll menu, select Check History.
Report Types
You can produce two types of Check History reports, depending on which of the following radio buttons you select:
Concise (default) | Provides an itemization of individual checks, sorted in check number order. With this button selected, you can access Additional Criteria section at the bottom, which allows you to define the sort order and include additional summary pages. |
Summary | Provides an itemization similar to the one generated with the Concise option, except checks are grouped according to employee. With this option, you cannot access the Additional Criteria section. |
Generate the Check History report
On the Check History page, in the Report Type section, select Concise or Summary to define the format.
Press the Tab key.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to include in the report, and then click Accept. To perform an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
If you selected Concise as the report type, complete the fields in the Additional Criteria section, and then click Accept.
In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is chkhis.rpt for Concise reports and rtmckhis.rpt for Summary reports.
Fields and Descriptions
Search Criteria Section
Field | Description |
Employee Number | Employee's identification number. You may enter an individual ID or include several by placing the pipe symbol ( | ) between each entry, for example, 13485|24712|312522. To include all employees, leave the Employee Number and Employee Name fields blank. |
Last Name | Employee's last name. To search for specific employees, use the pipe symbol between names, for example, ADAMS|LANE|ZIMMERMAN. |
Check Number | Numbers assigned to payroll checks. To specify individual checks, use the pipe symbol between each number, for example, 11287|11579|11332|11981. You can also use the colon symbol to identify a range of checks, for example, 11000:12000. |
Check Date | The date a check was issued through either payroll processing or manual entry. Leave the field blank to include all checks in your search. To specify a range of dates, separate the range's earliest and latest dates with a colon; for example, 10012017:10312017 limits the report to checks issued in October 2017. |
Start Date | The pay period start date for the checks to be included on the report. |
End Date | The pay period end date for the checks to be included on the report. |
Manual Or Void | Code specifying the types of checks to include. Select:
To include all three types, leave the field blank. |
Additional Criteria Section
You can access the following fields if you select Concise.
Field | Description |
Sort Order | Select one of the following to specify the sort order:
Summary Reports | Select the checkbox to include two summary pages in the Concise report.