Payroll History
Use this option to capture, review, and purge employees' Payroll History records. These records include pay rates, payroll amounts, and deductions.
Saving a Payroll History record captures a snapshot of the employee's history as of the date you specify. You then can view the data in the Employee Payroll History - Detail page, which includes a wide range of information on the employee at that point in time.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Periodic Processing > Payroll History
Action Bar Items
The following items display when you access the Employee Payroll History page:
Save | Allows you to capture and save Pay Rate, Payroll/Tax and Deduction records for selected employees as of the capture date entered. |
Purge | Deletes employee history records. You can select the types of history records you want to purge. |
In addition to Save and Purge, the following items display after you search for and list employees.
Deductions | Displays the Payroll History Deductions page for a selected employee. |
Pay Rate History | Displays the Pay Rate History page for a selected employee. |
Capturing and saving Payroll History records for selected employees
Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Periodic Processing > Payroll History to display the Employee Payroll History page.
Click Save on the Action Bar to display the Save Payroll History page.
In the page's Save Criteria section:
Capture Date
Enter the end date for capturing the Payroll History information. The default is today's date, which you may change if needed.
Select the appropriate checkboxes. The All Records box selects Pay Rate, Payroll, and Deduction records.
Termination Date
Enter a date identifying the employees terminated.
Employees terminated between today and the date entered will be included in the save.
Employees terminated before this date will not be included.
Leaving the box blank selects all terminated employees, depending on your other criteria
In the Additional Criteria section's Employee Number field, enter the ID numbers of the employees to select. Use the pipe symbol to separate the ID's, for example, 32123|12345|23456.
Click OK to capture and save the records.
Click OK to close the Notification dialog.
Click Back to return to the Employee Payroll History page.
Viewing an employee's Payroll History record
The following procedure presumes that a Payroll History record has been saved for the employee.
- Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Periodic Processing > Payroll History to display the Employee Payroll History page.
- In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
- In the List section, select the employee's record.
Note that an employee may have more than one history record on file. A record is identified by its Capture Date and the employee's ID. - Click OK to display the Employee Payroll History Detail page.
Except for a couple tabs, this page is similar to the Employee Information Detail Page.Employee Information Detail Page. - Review the information in the detail page's tabs.
You also can access the employee's Pay Rate History and Payroll History Deductions pages using the Pay Rates and Deductions buttons in the Payroll tab. - Click Back to return to the Employee Payroll History page.
Purging employees' Payroll History records
- Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Periodic Processing > Payroll History to display the Employee Payroll History page.
- Click Purge on the Action Bar to display the Purge Payroll History page.
In the Purge Criteria section, complete the following fields:
Capture Date
Enter the end date for the records to purge. Records captured on or before this date will be deleted. You also can use the colon symbol to specify a range of dates. For example, 10/01/2017:10/31/2017 would purge all records captured in October 2017.
Employee Number
Enter the ID numbers of the employees whose records you want to purge. Use the pipe symbol to separate IDs, for example, 32123|12345|23456. Leave the field blank to select records based solely on dates.
- In the Additional Criteria section:
- To purge Pay Rate, Payroll, and Deduction records, leave the All Records checkbox selected.
- To select the Pay Rate Records, Payroll Records, and Deduction Records checkboxes individually, clear the All Records box, and then make your selections.
- Click OK.
- In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes to purge the records.
- In the Notification dialog, click OK.
The dialog indicates whether records were purged successfully. - Click Back to return to the Employee Payroll History page.