Payroll Processing Procedures
Before running a payroll, you should confirm that your employee records and associated tables are up to date. You then can perform the following procedures to generate pay for either selected employees or all the employees in your system.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Payroll > Pay Run Processing
Procedural Steps
Select the Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Payroll > Pay Run Processing option to display the Pay Run Processing page.
Click Setup Pay Run to activate the Payroll wizard. The wizard leads you through all the pages used in completing a pay run.
You can exit the wizard at anytime and select the options individually using the buttons in the Pay Run Processing page.
Pay Run Processing Page Options
The Pay Run Processing page's sections and buttons include:
SetUp/Timecards Section | |
Setup Pay Run | Defines the parameters for processing a payroll, including pay period dates, pay groups, default hours, pay cycles, deduction and special pay frequencies, and vendor payment dates. |
Clear Balances | Clears current, month‑to‑date, and quarter-to-date salary, taxes, and deductions from employee records and accrues monthly leave. |
Load Employee Time | Loads employee timecards for regular, advanced, summer, short, retroactive pays, and batch pays.
Edit Employee Time | Allows you to add and change timecards. This includes selecting employees, specifying pay rates, defining hours, and identifying the cycles covered. |
Employee Time Reports | Generates the Payroll Edit Reports, Time Activity Listing, Substitute Report, and Substitute Mailer Report. It also provides an option for printing timecard sheets, after you correct any errors reported in your timecard data. |
Pre-Calculation | Simulates calculations for your pay run. This enables you to change timecards and modify other settings prior to running the actual calculations. |
Pay Calculation Section | |
Lock Human Resources | Locks users out of the Human Resources System. |
Pay Calculation | Calculates the payroll, clears timecard information, and updates employee records. |
Unlock Human Resources | Unlocks the Human Resources System. |
Direct Deposit/Checks Section | |
Direct Deposit | Creates a file for direct deposits and allows you to enter posting and file creation dates for sending the file to the bank. |
Print Checks | Generates employees’ pay checks and direct deposit vouchers. |
Follow-Up Activities Section | |
Run All Activities | Completes the remaining options using the Payroll wizard. You can also run the options individually from the Pay Run Processing page. These additional options follow. |
Check Register | Generates a register of regular, manual, and voided checks. |
Payroll Journal | Reports all checks issued in the pay run with an itemization of each check. |
Deduction Register | Generates the Deduction Register, Deduction Summary, and Deduction Register by Vendor reports. |
Fund Accounting Interface | Creates a batch file for distributing payroll expenses to the Fund Accounting System. |
Distribution Reports | Generates the Organization Charge Summary, Benefits Charge Summary, and Project Charge Summary. |
Payroll Encumbrance | Encumbers payroll expenditures in the Fund Accounting System. |
For more information, refer to Pay Run Processing.