Periodic Processing - Effective Date Changes - Post
Use this option to post Effective Date Change records to your database. Posting a record either adds a new record to an employee's set of records or replaces an existing record with a change record. The system also generates a report for each type of record posted.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Periodic Processing menu, select Effective Date Changes, then select Post.
Criteria to Post Records
The system uses three types of criteria to post Effective Date Change records: Effective Dates, Post? fields, and Record Types.
Effective Dates
The system compares the effective dates in records with the effective date entered in the Post Effective Date Changes page. If a record's date matches or falls before the date entered in the page, then the record is posted. For example, if a record has an effective date of 10/31/2023 and you enter the date 11/01/2023 in the Effective Date Changes page, then the record is posted.
Post? Fields
Records must have their Post? checkbox selected in order to be posted.
Record Types
The checkboxes in the Post Effective Date Changes page enable you to specify the types of records to post. All of the checkboxes are self-explanatory except the following:
Non-enrollment Deduction/Benefit/ Beneficiary Records | Select this box if you want to post Deduction, Benefit, and Beneficiary records that do not have their Open Enrollment checkboxes selected. This indicates these types of records cannot be accessed by employees through the Employee Access Center system. |
Open Enrollment Deduction/Benefit/ Beneficiary Records | Select this box if you want to post Deduction, Benefit, and Beneficiary records that have their Open Enrollment checkboxes selected. This indicates that these records can be entered and updated by employees in the Employee Access Center system. |
If you select both boxes, all Deduction, Benefit, and Beneficiary records will be posted, depending on their effective dates and the Post? field.
For more information on the Employee Access Center, refer to the Employee Access Center Open Enrollment Records section in Periodic Processing - Effective Date Changes.
Post Effective Date Change Records
- On the Post Effective Date Changes page, in the Post Criteria section's Effective Date field, enter the date for posting the records selected in the next step.
The default is today's date, which you may change if needed. The system will post all records that have an effective date that matches or precedes the date you enter. - Select the checkboxes for the types of records you want to post.
- In the Sort Order section, select one of the following radio buttons to define the sort order of the reports that will be generated. Name refers to the employee's last name
- 1 - Effective Date/Name
- 2 - Department/Name
- 3 - Effective Date/Department/Name
- 4 - Name
- Click Accept.
In the Print window, specify how you want to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name depends on the type of record:
Pay Rate
Tax Info
Open Enrollment
Continuing Education
- A Processing window displays for each change, except Continuing Education. Click OK when processing is complete.
- Repeat the previous steps for each type of change being posted.
- Review the reports to see if any errors were encountered. If so, take the appropriate actions to correct them, and then repeat the procedure as needed.