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Personnel Tables - Certification Area Table

Use this page to add, update, and delete Certification Areas. The Certification Area table contains the subjects or disciplines covered by the certifications employees earn. Using the Certification Area table, you must also set up records in the Certification Type table and the Qualification Codes table.

In a school district, Certification Area codes can reference academic subjects or the educational level associated with employees' certifications, such as Elementary or Secondary.
The Position Control System uses these codes to track certifications related to Highly Qualified Teacher qualifications. For more information, refer to Highly Qualified Teachers: Position Control.

In a municipality, these codes can refer to certifications employees have earned in accounting, public administration, public health, public safety, recreation, and other areas.

The Certification Area Table report's default file name is certarea.rpt.

Certification Area Table for Highly Qualified Teachers

Menu path

From the Human Resources menu, select Reference Tables. From the Personnel menu, select Certification Areas.

Use this table to create records on the disciplines or subjects associated with employees' certifications. The Certification Area table is used in Human Resources to create employee records and in Position Control to create Highly Qualified Teacher information related to positions.

Certification Area Codes in Position Control

Menu path

From the Human Resources menu, select Entry and Processing. From the Position Control menu, select Position Control or Batch Position Control.

Certification Area codes are entered in Position Control's Certification Code Setup page, which is used to create and update position records.

  • If you are adding a position on the New Position page, the Certification Code Setup page appears in the sequence of Highly Qualified Teacher pages that appear after you complete the position record.

  • If you edit a position on the Edit Position, Batch Position Edit, or Mass Update Positions page, you can click the Certifications button to display the Certification Code Setup page.

The Certification Code Setup page has Certification Area and Certification Type fields and a Required checkbox to indicate if the certification is required. For more information, refer to the Certification Code Setup Page.

Action bar item

The Import option on the Action Bar displays the Import Certification Area Table page, which allows you to import existing tables. For more information, refer to the Import Certification Area Table.

Field descriptions

Before adding records to the Certification Area table, you must set up the Qualification Code table to complete the Core Area field.



Certification Area

A code identifying the area of certification.

The limit is four characters.


The title or a complete description of the certification area.

The limit is 20 characters.

Core Area

The qualification needed for certification in the Highly Qualified Teacher record.

The values are retrieved from the Qualification Code Table.

CRDC Specialized Area

The specialized area for Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) reporting.

Valid values:

  • ESL - English as a Second Language

  • MATH - Mathematics

  • SCI - Science

  • SPED - Special Education

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