Personnel Tables - Certification Type Table
Use this page to add, update, and delete Certification Types. The Certification Type table contains the level of certification held by an employee, such as Temporary or Permanent. These records are used in conjunction with Certification Area codes as follows:
To document employees' certifications when adding and changing employee records in Human Resources. For information, refer to Certifications/Licenses Page.
To determine teachers' qualifications for Highly Qualified Teacher status in the Position Control System. For information, refer to Highly Qualified Teachers: Position Control.
The Certification Type Table report's default file name is certtype.rpt.
Certification Type Table for Highly Qualified Teachers
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Reference Tables. From the Personnel menu, select Certification Types.
Use the Certification Type Table page to categorize or define different certifications employees earn. The Certification Type table is used in Human Resources to assign certifications to employees and in Position Control to set up Highly Qualified Teacher information related to positions.
Certification Types in Position Control
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry and Processing. From the Position Control menu, select Position Control or Batch Position Control.
Certification Type codes are entered in Position Control's Certification Code Setup page, which is used when creating and updating position records.
If you are adding a position on the New Position page, the Certification Code Setup page appears in the sequence of Highly Qualified Teacher pages that appear after you complete the position record.
If you are editing a position on the Edit Position, Batch Position Edit, or Mass Update Positions page, you can click the Certifications button to display the Certification Code Setup page.
The Certification Code Setup page has Certification Area and Certification Type fields and a Required checkbox to indicate if the certification is required. For more information, refer to the Certification Code Setup Page.
Action Bar Item
The Import option on the Action Bar displays the Import Certification Type Table page that allows you to import existing tables. For more information, refer to the Import Certification Type Table.
Field Descriptions
Field | Description |
Certification Type | A code identifying either the type of certification issued or its status. The limit is four characters. |
Title | The title or description of the certification type. The limit is 20 characters. |
Exclude from Civil Rights Data Collection | Option to exclude the certification type from Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). |