Position Control - Certification Code Setup Page
Use this page to link codes from the Certification Type and Certification Areas tables to a position. The Certification Code Setup page can be accessed from the following pages:
New Position Page | Displays the linking page after you add a new position and complete the qualification linking page. Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Position Control > click Add New |
Edit Position Page | Displays the linking page when you click the Certifications button while updating a position record. Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Position Control > search for and select a position, and then click OK |
Mass Update Positions Page | Displays the linking page when you click Certifications on the Action Bar before mass updating selected position records. Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Position Control > Mass Update Positions |
Batch Position Edit Page | Displays the linking page after adding a batch position or when you click Certifications button while updating a batch position. Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Batch Position Control > search for and select a position, and then click OK |
Linking certification information to a position
Display the Certification Code Setup page from one of the pages listed above.
In the Certification Type field, select a code from the drop-down list, which includes all records from the Certification Type table.
In the Certification Area field, select a code from the drop-down list, which includes all records in the Certification Area table.
To link additional certification records, repeat Steps 1-2.
If you accessed the linking page from the Edit Position page, you can delete certification records.
To delete a record, position the cursor on the record's row, and then click the Delete Row on the Action Bar.Click OK.