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Position Control - Certification Code Setup Page

Use this page to link codes from the Certification Type and Certification Areas tables to a position. The Certification Code Setup page can be accessed from the following pages:

New Position Page

Displays the linking page after you add a new position and complete the qualification linking page.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Position Control > click Add New

Edit Position Page

Displays the linking page when you click the Certifications button while updating a position record.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Position Control > search for and select a position, and then click OK

Mass Update Positions Page

Displays the linking page when you click Certifications on the Action Bar before mass updating selected position records.
The mass update adds requirements to all positions selected. For details, refer to Mass Update Positions Page.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Position Control > Mass Update Positions

Batch Position Edit Page

Displays the linking page after adding a batch position or when you click Certifications button while updating a batch position.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Batch Position Control > search for and select a position, and then click OK

Linking certification information to a position

  1. Display the Certification Code Setup page from one of the pages listed above.

  2. In the Certification Type field, select a code from the drop-down list, which includes all records from the Certification Type table.

  3. In the Certification Area field, select a code from the drop-down list, which includes all records in the Certification Area table.

  4. To link additional certification records, repeat Steps 1-2.

  5. If you accessed the linking page from the Edit Position page, you can delete certification records.
    To delete a record, position the cursor on the record's row, and then click the Delete Row on the Action Bar.

  6. Click OK.

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