Position Control Features
Position Control incorporates numerous features for enhancing the information management capabilities of the other products you use. In addition to interfacing with the software packages that make up the Human Resources System, Position Control is fully integrated with two other systems: Fund Accounting and Personnel Budgeting.
Building on the features of these systems, Position Control offers the following advantages:
Enables you to determine recruitment needs, assign positions to employees, track position occupancy, and control budgeted costs.
Requires minimal setup in that only one new component, position records, needs to be added to your existing records.
Reduces training needs, since Position Control relies on the same basic skills as those used with other Systems.
This section summarizes Position Control's primary features.
General Features
Uses a single integrated database to ensure the integrity of your records.
Shares the same security system used by other software. This system enables you to restrict access to specified menu options and records on a user-by-user basis.
Interfaces with the Human Resources, Personnel Budgeting, and Fund Accounting Systems. The connections between these systems ensure consistency while eliminating the need to enter redundant information.
Provides drop-down lists and help pages for tableverified fields, so that you can quickly look up and select records while entering data.
Enables you to access pages using folders, favorites, and keyboard shortcuts, depending on your preference.
Allows you to keep multiple pages displayed for entering, looking up, and maintaining records.
Produces a variety of reports that can be printed, stored, or reviewed on screen.
Position Control Features
Supports either full control or tracking only. Full control prevents you from overfilling positions. Tracking allows overfilling, but the system warns you when a position's occupancy limits are exceeded.
Lets you plan, monitor, and control staffing by location, department, program, function, or whatever criteria you decide on for structuring your positions.
Allows creating positions within the job classes you currently maintain in Human Resources without requiring you to add positions for all classes.
Enables you to assign positions directly to existing employee pay rates. You can also create positions and assign them to rates in a batch file to avoid affecting records used in payroll processing. At the appropriate time, you can post the batch records to your live database.
Uses fulltime equivalency percentages to monitor staffing levels and enforce budgetary limits. These values determine the portion of a full-time salary an employee receives and quantify the number of employees allowed within a position.
Allows you to assign positions to employees using either Position Control options or Human Resources' pay rate pages.
Allows you to mass update requirements, qualifications and certifications associated with selected positions.
Shares verification tables with Human Resources, allowing the system to check the validity of the information you enter against existing records.
Defaults the Fund Accounting distributions from employees' existing pay rates. If needed, you can also set up new distributions when creating positions.
Offers the ability to track actual (to-date) and projected salaries. As you process pay runs, the system updates these amounts in your position records.
Enables you to update budgeted salaries for individual positions as part of the Personnel Budgeting process.
Maintains history files for tracking position activity. The system creates a history record whenever a position is assigned to or removed from an employee's pay rate.
Lets you identify all employees who have a particular position assigned.
Enables you to look up information on individual employees who have positions assigned.