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Position Control - Position History Page

Use this page to display the history of a position, including a listing of employees who held the position, start and end dates, and other related information. If needed, you can add or change information in certain fields.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Position Control > search for and select a position > click Position History

Displaying and updating Position History records

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Position Control to display the Position Control page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  3. In the untitled List section, select the position whose history you want to access.

  4. Click Position History on the Action Bar to display the Position History page.
    If a position does not have history records, then the position has never been assigned to an employee. If this is the case, an error message will display.

  5. In the list of employees in the Position History page's Position Information section, select the desired employee, and then click OK.

  6. In the Position History Information section, complete or update the fields as needed. For field descriptions, refer below.

  7. Click OK to save your changes.

As an alternative to Step 5, you can select the employee, and then click Employee Position History on the Action Bar. This displays a version of the Position History page which lists all of the employee's positions, as opposed to the current or most recent one. To edit a position, select it, and then click OK to access its fields.





Code identifying the primary building or site associated with the position. These codes are defined in Human Resources’ Location table.


Text explaining why the employee’s position was assigned or vacated. Character/25

Exempt Status

User-defined code referencing an employee’s exemption status, usually in regards to taxes. The code can also address other aspects of employment if desired, such as retirement plans or contracts. Character/1

Used for information purposes only, this field does not appear in other records.

EEO Category

Select the employee’s EEO category.


Name of the employee’s supervisor. Character/25


Code identifying the employee’s department, as defined in Human Resources’ Department table.

Effective Date

Select a date to assign to the history record.

Operator ID

The user ID of the staff member who entered the record.

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