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Position Types

The Position Types table is vital to the operation of the Recruitment system. Position types are used when creating job postings. They are associated with job classes and allow you to group multiple classes to the same position type. They are also used when setting up the questionnaires sent to references and previous employers and are assigned to pre-employment and employment checklists.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Reference Tables > Payroll > Position Types

The Position Types Table report's default name is pos_type.rpt. For the procedures for searching for, adding, updating, deleting, and printing table records, refer to Standard Reference Table Procedures.




Position Type Code

Code for identifying the position type. Character/12


Title of the position type. Character/15


Description of the position type. Character/30

Certified Position

Checkbox to determine if the position type is for a certified position. If the box is selected, you will be able to select the certification areas associated with a job posting. Certification areas allow Human Resources staff members to determine if an applicant qualifies for a particular job posting based on their response to a question defined with a response type of Certificates.

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