Post Payments Page
Use the Post Payments option to enter payments for COBRA billings. You can identify a billing record by entering the employee ID, benefit code, and Social Security number of the employee or dependent affected. The amount that displays when you access a record includes the most recent billing for the benefit identified. It also includes any delinquent amounts from past billings.
Menu Path: Benefits > Entry & Processing > COBRA Information > Post Payments
Posting a payment against a billing
Select Benefits > Entry & Processing > COBRA Information > Post Payments to display the Post Payments page.
In the Employee Number, Benefit Code, and Dependent SSN fields, identify the COBRA benefit being paid. For details, refer to the Fields section below.
In the Amount Paid field, you may accept the default, which equals the total amount due, or you may change the amount if the payment does not equal the total due.
In the Date Paid field, you may accept the default (today's date) or enter a different date.
To save the payment, press <Tab> or click OK when the cursor is in the Date Paid field.
Repeat Steps 25 to process another payment.
Click Back to close the Post Payments page.
All of the fields in the Post Payments page are required.
Fields | Description |
Employee Number | ID number of the employee. |
Benefit | Code identifying the benefit, as defined in the Benefit Codes table. |
Dependent SSN | Social Security number of either the employee or dependent covered under this benefit. The system provides the dashes. |
Amount Paid | Total amount due, which includes the current amount due and the delinquency balance, if one exists. You can accept the default or enter a different amount.
Date Paid | Date the payment was received or posted. The system defaults today's date, which you may change as needed. The date you enter defaults to the Last Paid Date field in the COBRA Information page. |