Posting Batch Positions
Posting batch positions affects two tables in your live database, Position Control's Position table and Human Resources' Pay Rate table. The system completes the following processes when you post a selected position:
- Adds position records to the Position table. These are the same as your other position records, except their salary and budget fields are set to zero.
- Updates employees' pay rates to include the newlyassigned positions.
- Assigns new FTE values to the rate records, if the original values were changed.
- Selects the pay rates' Occupied checkboxes.
- Overwrites a rate's distribution with the changes you entered.
- Creates a history record for each position posted.
After you post the positions and rates, you can update the salary and budget fields in your position records. If needed, you can also modify individual pay rates in employee's Pay Rate Information pages in Human Resources.
Posting batch positions
Generate the pre-posting journals, as described in the previous section, Generating Pre-Posting Journals.
Review the pre-posting journals to make sure your records are error free.
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Batch Position Control to display the Batch Position Control page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
In the List section, select the position you want to post, and then click Post to display the Position Batch Report/Post page. The page includes the following fields:
Job Class
The job class defaults from the batch position selected in the Batch Position Control page. You may select another job class, if needed.
Post Batch Entries
Select the box to enable the positions to be posted.
Click OK.
In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is postplog.rpt.
Review the Batch Position Posting log to determine the results of the posting.
If the system detects any errors, none of the records are posted for the class selected. Correct the errors indicated, and then repeat the procedure, including running the pre-posting reports.
The Batch Position Posting Account Differences Journal also generates if changes were made to the positions' distributions. The changes reported are not errors, but you should be aware of them since they replace the existing distributions. This report's default file name is acctdiff.rpt.
The formats of the Batch Position Posting Log and Batch Position Posting Account Differences Journal are the same as those of the pre-posting journals.