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Postings Forms Tab

Use the Postings Forms tab to define who should be notified and when for a submitted job posting. With the settings on this tab, you can:

  • Define which approvers should be notified when a new job posting needs approval.

  • Define who should be notified when a job posting is approved, denied, or in need of correction.

  • Define whether Phase 1 and Phase 2 approvals are required. Phased approvals are intended to make it easier for those organizations that have complex job posting approval processes. Implementing these phases allows your organization to further divide posting groups into two phases with different rules. For example, a posting for a Title 1 position at an elementary school may need approval by both the building principal and the grant department.

  • Define the submit errors that display when Phase 1 or Phase 2 approval group setups are missing.

Menu Path

From the System Administration menu, select Administration. From the Profiles menu, select Workflow Configuration Profile. From the Recruitment menu, select Postings.

Action Buttons

This tab has two action buttons.


Use the Apply button to save your settings.


Use the Undo button to reset any changes you made prior to the last time you clicked Apply.

Fields and Descriptions



Posting Detail Page URL

The URL for the Posting Details page that will be used in conjunction with the Web Server URL on the Workflow Configuration's Global Settings tab for the Full URL that approvers of the Applicant Recommendation e-Form will be taken to when they click the Posting ID link in the e-Form.

Notify on Needs Approval

Determines who is notified when a job posting needs approval.


  • Don't notify anyone - Do not send any notification.

  • Posting Requisition approvers only - Send notifications to users configured as posting requisition approvers.

  • Posting approvers only - Send notification to users configured as posting approvers.

  • Posting Requisition and Posting approvers - Send notifications to users configured as posting requisition approvers and to users configured as posting approvers.

Notify on Approved

Determines who is notified when a job posting is approved.


  • Don't notify anyone - Do not send any notification.

  • Requester only - Send notifications to the user who entered the job posting.

  • Hiring Manager only - Send notifications to the hiring manager defined on the job posting.

  • Requester and Hiring Manager - Send notifications to both the user who entered the job posting and the hiring manager defined on the job posting.

Notify on Denied

Determines who is notified when a job posting is denied.


  • Don't notify anyone - Do not send any notification.

  • Requester only - Send notifications to the user who entered the job posting.

  • Hiring Manager only - Send notifications to the hiring manager defined on the job posting.

  • Requester and Hiring Manager - Send notifications to both the user who entered the job posting and the hiring manager defined on the job posting.

Notify on Needs Correction

Determines who is notified when a job posting is marked as needing correction.


  • Don't notify anyone - Do not send any notification.

  • Requester only - Send notifications to the user who entered the job posting.

  • Hiring Manager only - Send notifications to the hiring manager defined on the job posting.

  • Requester and Hiring Manager - Send notifications to both the user who entered the job posting and the hiring manager defined on the job posting.

Require Phase 1 Approval

Determines what type of job postings require Phase 1 approval.


  • No approvers are required - No Phase 1 approvals are required for any type of job posting.

  • Posting Requisitions must have approvers - Phase 1 approvals are required when a job posting is submitted through the Posting Requisition page.

  • Postings must have approvers - Phase 1 approvals are required when a job posting is submitted through the Posting Details page.

  • Posting Requisitions and Postings must have approvers - Phase 1 approvals are required when a job posting is submitted through either the Posting Requisition page or the Posting Details page.

Submit Error When Phase 1 Approval Group Setup Is Missing

The error that will display when the user attempts to submit a job posting and the following conditions apply:

  • The Require Phase 1 Approval has a value other than No approvers are required.

  • No approval is defined with workflow task 121 - Approve Posting Req Phase 1 or 123 - Approve Posting Phase 1.

Require Phase 2 Approval

Determines what type of postings require Phase 2 approval.


  • No approvers are required - No Phase 2 approvals are required for any type of job posting.

  • Posting Requisitions must have approvers - Phase 2 approvals are required when a job posting is submitted through the Posting Requisition page.

  • Postings must have approvers - Phase 2 approvals are required when a job posting is submitted through the Posting Details page.

  • Posting Requisitions and Postings must have approvers - Phase 2 approvals are required when a job posting is submitted through either the Posting Requisition page or the Posting Details page.

Submit Error When Phase 2 Approval Group Setup Is Missing

The error that will display when the user attempts to submit a job posting and the following conditions apply:

  • The Require Phase 2 Approval has a value other than No approvers are required.

  • No approval is defined with workflow task 122 - Approve Posting Req Phase 2 or 124 - Approve Posting Phase 2.

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